Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Work at Home Moms: Best Time Management Tips

Working from home provides tremendous advantages for a mom. You're able to set your own schedule, bag the stockings and read at the preschool. You can nap when you're tired or call a friend. What a life!

But challenges also abound. It's almost impossible to work without childcare. The more you're in the house, the messier it seems; domestic projects call from every corner. The mail carrier may be nice, but he's not a colleague. And nobody is looking over your shoulder to make sure the job gets done.

To thrive as a work-at-home mom, you need to set guidelines. What follows are time management tips gleaned from my experience writing from home as the mother of two girls, now 5 and 8.

*Establish boundaries. Don't allow the kids in your office without permission. I set this rule early, and as a result I can always find my stapler. I cannot say the same thing for my hairbrush or lipstick.

*Set a schedule. Notice how your preschooler needs structure? So do you. A regular work routine will help keep you from getting sidetracked by daytime TV.

*Buy a stopwatch. I click my stopwatch on to write and click it off when I leave my desk. At day's end, I log my work hours. Tracking time keeps me focused and helps separate "work" from "home."

*Keep a "small stuff" to do list. Working at home allows you to use spare moments for office work. But to be efficient, you need to keep a list of tasks that can be done in 15 minutes or less.

*Stash toys. I keep a basket of toys in my office for special occasions. Since the kids don't use them regularly, the toys have novelty value. The basket buys me an hour of work time on my children's sick days.

*Distinguish breaks. Two hours spent cleaning the playroom is not a break, it's a morning. Start the day with work, not chores. Keep breaks short, work hours long. Ignore the dust bunnies.

*Set the handyman straight. Chat and then make it clear that you have to go back to work. Tell him that you're on a deadline -- even if you're not. He'll get more work done, and so will you.

*Get out. Working at home can be isolating. Schedule events that require you to wear clean clothes and interact with adults who are not relatives, contractors or delivery people.

*Know thyself. It's confusing. You're a working mother but you're mostly around stay-at-home moms. Deadlines call, but you're constantly asked to volunteer. Consider your work commitments before accepting outside obligations. Remember, you're a working mom, even if you don't commute.

*Take advantage. What's the point of working at home if you don't enjoy the perks? Sneak in a siesta. Check in on Oprah. Shop for shoes. Celebrate the "free" in freelance, and the "independent" in independent contractor!

(c) 2006 Jennifer Bingham Hull.

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Work at Home Jobs are Bad for Moms

Are you one of the moms I meet on a regular basis who is dying to work from home? The world is full of moms who desperately want a work at home job. But you know what? The world is also full of moms who had that dream come true – and once it did, they realized it couldn’t give them the lifestyle they were hoping for.

Here’s the rub – if someone offers you a stay at home job, I’d almost always advise you to turn it down. Because what you should be looking for is not a stay at home "job." You want a stay at home "business."

Is there a difference? You bet there is.

Remember, a stay at home "job" is still a job – maybe not that much different than the job you have now. You’re just doing it from your house or apartment. Guess what you still have with a stay at home job -- a boss who makes the rules, deadlines imposed by someone else, and, here’s the really important one, a ceiling on how much money you can earn that’s based on two things…

1 – How much your boss is willing to fork over for your services

2 – The amount of time you have to trade for money

The first point is something most moms get immediately. But many have trouble with the second. So let me explain.

If you plan to get rich, or simply just financially secure, trading your time for money, you’re going to have a long road ahead of you. Lawyers, surgeons, athletes – these jobs are basically the only ones where trading your time for money can be wildly profitable.

For the rest of us it’s simply impossible to expect to become financially secure trading an hour of your time for $15, or $25, or $50. If you don’t believe me, pull out a calculator and run the numbers yourself. If you worked until you basically collapsed from exhaustion at the end of the day, how many hours of work could you do in a week?

Now take that number and multiply it by your typical hourly wage? Will making that kind of money every week give your family financial security?

What most moms I meet don’t quite get is that the only way to accomplish both of the things you want by being a work from home mom – providing some income for your family that will let you stay home with your kids -- is to start, find or buy a work at home BUSINESS.

Now I know many of you out there will say, "BUY a business?? I can’t afford to buy a business! Who do you think I am, Donald Trump?" What if I told you that thousands of moms have had success buying a business for around $50? Would you be interested? It’s no joke. In fact, I go through a bunch of opportunities just like that on my work at home mom job page.

Remember, there is a huge difference between the two. Businesses that I started months ago, that I don’t spend a minute of my time on now, bring my family a nice steady revenue stream every month. If I got sick, went away, moved halfway across the world, or stopped "working" altogether to care for my children or my husband if they got sick, those checks would continue to arrive each and every month.

Can you say the same thing about your job? Will that change simply because you now work from home?

That’s the real secret behind all this. This is what successful, happy, content, financially stable work from home moms understand.

Here’s all I ask -- the next time you start thinking the solution to your problems is to find a great "job" that you can also do from home, ask yourself the big question…

Can I trade enough hours for what they’re willing to pay me to be financially secure? And here’s another one – will my kids be any better off than they are now if I do?

When you’re ready for a real work at home business, you can also check out my work at home mom blog. You’ll find some very helpful insights and step-by-step tactics there for making the stay at home mom dream a reality!

By Rachel Glaste

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Work At Home Moms - One Dad's Opinion

As a Work At Home Mom, what do you want?

For the record, I'm not one of the millions of work at home moms, I'm a dad who works out of the home and at home as well. But for a variety of reasons, I respect and even admire moms like you that work at home.

First, as a mom that works out of her home, you probably do so because you want to take care of your children and be there for them each day instead of having someone else care for and raise them while you go off to work at a career.

Mind you, I don't think there's anything wrong with a mom having a career, but I have a great deal of respect for those moms who've made the often difficult decision to work from home in order to be there for their children.

So the first thing I think you want as one of the millions of work at home moms is to be home so you can take care of your children, your family and your home.

And here's a tip of my hat to you for making that choice.

The next thing I think work at home moms want is a reliable, sensible and legitimate way to either generate some extra household income or even a full time income.

But because you're working from home the hours you're available to actually work must fit your stay at home schedule.

The next thing I think you want is to work at something you enjoy, something that excites you, something you have a passion for.

Imagine being able to find something that will give you the opportunity to generate extra household income or a full time income, something that lets you work when your mom schedule allows. Something you enjoy, that excites you, that you have a passion for.

Did this dad get it right?

Are these the things you want as a work at home mom?

To be home to raise and take care of your children, to find a reliable, sensitive and legitimate way to earn some extra or even full time income?

To find something that allows you the flexibility you need to take care of your children and your home?

And finally, something you can actually enjoy, get excited about and have a passion for?

Work at home moms deserve nothing less.

Being a good mom is one of the most difficult jobs in the world, if not the most difficult. And the responsibility of raising your children to become good, successful and happy members of society is really the ultimate responsibility.

At the end of the day, you can take pride in your valuable contribution to your child's well being and future. And you can count your blessings because you're able to be at home for your children.

It's also nice to know that you do have some wonderful choices when it comes to working out of your home. I know of several work at home moms that have turned something they enjoy, something they have a passion for, into their success.

My wish for you is that you can turn your passion into your success. To learn how, just click on the link following this article. You'll be very glad you did.

As one of the many Work At Home Moms, what do you want?

Here's to your success!

By Mike Dougherty

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Deciding to be a Stay at Home Mom

There can be tons of reasons for deciding to be a stay at home mom. But most of all, a mother would always put her family's well-being and security before anyone else. Whether you are making this decision on any other basis or reason(s), our society has always looked upon it through a more controversial angle for professional women. In an era where women in the workforce are flourishing, many tend to think as to what could be the need to make the decision to be a stay at home mom? To this, I would like to add something my mother always used to say, "a mother's instincts will always empower all her decisions. Her desire to nurture her children and care for the family can never be overlooked. But this decision doesn't necessarily mean she's always going to be confined in the house all the time."

Of course making the switch could be a tough choice, as there are hundreds of things to consider. Her final decision will alter the family's financial situation. Everything pretty much boils down towards the financial responsibilities towards the entire family. How will you go about saving money on groceries? What about daycare, electricity bills, and living expenses? Obviously, every mom goes through the tormenting realization of "can we afford it". If this is how you feel as well and such issues bother you day and night, go through the article on helpful insights and suggestions before deciding to be a stay at home mom.

Matters to Consider

No mother (family) can make such a huge, life-altering decision in just one night. Don't get caught up in the stay at home moms vs working moms battle. And no matter which side you may be leaning towards, view these aspects beforehand.

Your Financial Situation after Quitting Job
Even a modest budget can make staying at home functional, but you and your spouse should carefully go over the family's finances. Scaling back on certain items, personal or around the house, can be manageable for some while it could invite issues for others. Monitor and write down all the spending done in an entire month. This will include bills, groceries, debt payments, daycare and shopping (holidays and birthdays). It is essential you keep financial planning in mind beforehand. Adjusting these payments into your planning and single income should also be worked out.

Your Personality at Home as Compared to Work
The idea of being at home, especially for working women could be more intimidating than anything else. And that's a natural, completely "OK" feeling. Being around kids all throughout the day can (sometimes) make you wish for independence, if only for couple of hours. Think over your emotional needs to yourself and towards your home. Deciding to be a stay at home mom comes with its own set of challenges and you have to realize if these elements outbalance the benefits for you.

Your Passion Towards Your Career
It takes people years till they can find that one job that's really close to their hearts, it is their life's passion. Or perhaps, you are bored with your work, are mentally and physically stressed and are hence choosing to be a stay at home mom. The latter actually can have an adverse effects for good parenting. No matter which falls as your reason to quit your job and make this switch, your need to look at your job and home together, in order to find which brings you the most satisfaction.

The Values of Your Family
Who knows, but deciding to be a stay at home mom could be your goal, which is quite admiring, but are you sure your spouse shares the same views? This is when you have to have an open and honest conversation with your spouse and the rest of the family members. The views of all the individuals who are involved in raising your kid(s) should be taken into consideration, to ensure you're making the right decision for yourself and the family as a whole.

Ways to Make it Work

Just for example, let's pretend that you are choosing to be a stay at home mom, there are few things you should know about. Look at this section in terms of advice and support to your bold decision (and sacrifice) for your family.

* Be proud of the decision you have made. Giving yourself up for the sake of your children, being involved in all the aspects of their lives and making countless sacrifices is really commendable.
* Financially, there may still be issues for some and there are tons of ways to save money. The first step is already taken from your side, now all you have to do is, collectively as a family, live that decision with conviction. You can also look into jobs for stay at home moms.
* Sometimes, you too may require a break from the house chores. In such a case, why not have a girls day out with your friends? As your kids will get older and more independent, you would find more and more time for yourself, which is required as you too should enjoy some time.
* Organizing and mapping out a routine in your life might keep you sane. Make calenders for appointments with doctor, dentist, PTA meetings and a perpetual one with birthdays and anniversaries. This will give you something to do, besides chores and keep kids on their schedule.
* Besides being a work at home mom, find something creative to do. There are tons of fun things to do, when you're bored or don't have much to do at home. Here's a list of hobbies, which you and your family can indulge in.

When it comes to deciding to be a stay at home mom, the world somehow seems ready to dish out their opinions. But the only people who can make the final choice are you and your spouse (partner). For many, the answer could be very easy, but I can understand how difficult it must be for some of you. Even though I am not a mother yet, I would see my mother (everyday), unhappy at times with her decision to go back to work. A mother's heart will always be torn between her responsibilities towards her children and her obligations towards providing them with a safer future.

By Sheetal Mandora

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The Coming of Age for Mothers

When God made women, he placed in everything that a man would directly or indirectly despise, but when he allowed her to become a mother, it’s an amazing fact that she totally metamorphosed into someone who’s loved the world over! Despite being ruled by her passion to make it big in this world, mothers when they become mothers suddenly encompass everything that are required to have, sensibilities, maturity, responsibilities! In today’s jet age, when mothers are more known as working mothers, seem to manage both hearth and careers in the same breath. Today we no longer picture mothers to be the podgy, cute and plump, instead they have been replaced by mothers who are fit, on the move and have this amazing power of balancing all chores and efficiently so!

Surrogate Mothers

Amidst all the other professions that women tend to associate themselves with, surrogate mothers have a new rung of their own. It was once thought that a woman would be empowered with power to cope up with just about everything, baring her emotions. Surrogate motherhood has somehow changed this concept! It’s difficult to part with the same flesh and blood that you had so far associated with, a bond that was created for tending to; for life! Somehow, it became a medley of responsibilities, for a good cause! Though there are still some cultures that do not heartily accept motherhood of this kind, its not new to our culture of accepting this change either! I mean in a world where children were awaited with bated breath (though they still are!), here is a change in society that allows one woman to hold within her the seed of another and gets detached from the child the minute it comes into this world. It was kind of difficult for mothers to digest this fact initially, but then the need for a bouncy bundle of joy superseded the techniques involved.

The Career Mom
Today of course, it’s a different scene, where mothers delve more into their respective careers. With the scarf clad, suited moms taking their stride in the corporate world; its sad but it’s a bit different from the picture of a plump lady at the side of the oven, baking delicious cookies. This has definitely made one profession come to the fore! That of nannies! Nannies today are deemed as being the more important species of humans as they hold the pre-dominant responsibilities of helping out with the upbringing of babies. We still have nannies to look after our little ones, another example of mothers being in demand. Isn’t it funny that we don’t have manservants when it comes to little tots! I think the reason is that instinctively; all women make the ultimate moms, when it comes to handling these toothless wonders. Although men may consider having their upper hand in just about anything, this is one domain area where they could never ever be termed as superior! Hurrah to Woman hood!!

By Prerna Salla

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Rahasia Lukisan Mona Lisa

Siapa yang tak terpesona dengan lukisan 'Mona Lisa Smile'? Sejumlah ilmuwan seni asal Prancis berhasil memecahkan sejumlah rahasia di balik pesona karya legendaris Leonardo da Vinci itu.

Para pakar dari Pusat Penelitian dan Restorasi Museum Prancis itu menemukan bahwa lukisan da Vinci dilakukan dengan teknik lapis ekstratipis. Da Vinci menerapkan 30 lapisan untuk lukisannya yang mengagumkan. Setiap lapis hanya setebal 40 mikrometer, setengah dari ketebalan rambut.

"Teknik itu disebut sfumato," kat salah satu peneliti, Philippe Walter. Teknik itulah yang membuat da Vinci berhasil menciptakan ilusi dan bayangan menakjubkan dalam lukisannya.

Tak hanya lukisan 'Mona Lisa Smile', tim juga meneliti enam lukisan karya da Vinci lainnya yang seluruhnya tersimpan di museum Louvre. Penelitian dilakukan dengan teknis X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy untuk mempelajari lapisan cat dan komposisi kimianya.

Mereka membawa peralatan berteknologi tinggi itu ke museum saat tutup dan mengamati wajah potret ', yang merupakan simbol dari Sfumato. Proyek ini dikembangkan melalui kerjasama dengan European Synchrotron Radiation Facility di Grenoble.

"Sekarang kita bisa mengetahui campuran pigmen yang digunakan da Vinci untuk setiap lapisan lukisannya," kata Walter. "Dan, itu sangat, sangat penting untuk memahami teknik ini."

Analisis dari sejumlah lukisan itu mengungkap bahwa da Vinci terus mencoba metode baru dalam setiap karyanya. Dalam 'Mona Lisa Smile', da Vinci menggunakan oksida mangan untuk menciptakan dimensi. Ia juga menggunakan tembaga, bahkan glasir.

Catatan sejarah mengungkap, 'Mona Lisa Smile' adalah lukisan Lisa Gherardini, istri Francesco del Giocondo, seorang pedagang asal Florence. Da Vinci mulai melukis itu pada tahun 1503. Giorgio Vasari, pelukis abad ke-16 dan penulis biografi da Vinci dan seniman lainnya, menulis bahwa da Vinci menyempurnakan lukisan itu selama empat tahun.


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