Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Mencintai Tangan Ibu

Suatu hari, seorang anak remaja, secara tidak sengaja, mendapati bahwa kedua tangan ibunya ternyata jelek sekali karena bekas luka bakar. Selama ini sang ibu berhasil menyembunyikannya dengan selalu memakai baju berlengan panjang. Si remaja kaget, terkejut, dan menunjukkan mimik tak suka setengah merasa jijik.

Ibu yang melihat reaksi anaknya demikian berkata dengan lembut, “Nak, ke sini deh sebentar. Ibu mau cerita tentang tangan ini.”

Perlahan si anak mendekati ibunya.

“Kamu mau tahu kenapa tangan Ibu jelek seperti ini?” tanyanya.

Si anak menggeleng perlahan.

“Ceritanya begini. Dulu, ketika kamu masih bayi, kita adalah keluarga baru yang merantau ke Jakarta ini. Ayahmu hanya mampu mengontrak rumah sederhana di pemukiman padat. Setiap hari ayahmu membanting tulang mencukupi kebutuhan kita, sedangkan Ibu selain membesarkan kamu juga harus bekerja sebagai buruh cuci.”

“Suatu hari, ketika Ibu sedang bekerja, terdengar teriakan, ‘kebakaran ... kebakaran ... kebakaran’. Dengan panik, Ibu meninggalkan cucian, berlari menuju tempat kebakaran. Sesampai di sana badan Ibu langsung lemas, karena ternyata rumah kita sedang diamuk api.”

“Tahukah di mana kamu waktu itu? Di kamar tertidur pulas. Dengan histeris Ibu menerobos masuk untuk menyelamatkan kamu, tetapi dihalangi oleh masyarakat. Tentu tidak mungkin Ibu membiarkan kamu dilalap api. Dengan sekuat tenaga dibantu badan yang licin karena dipenuhi sabun, Ibu pun terlepas.”

“Ibu menerobos masuk, menerjang pintu kamar, dan menemukan kamu sudah dikelilingi api. Syukur kamu belum apa-apa. Dengan segera Ibu membungkus kamu dengan sarung basah. Tinggal, bagaimana caranya keluar? Asap hitam di mana-mana dan Ibu kehilangan arah. Namun Ibu nekat menerobos dan berhasil menemukan pintu keluar.”

“Sayang, karena panik, Ibu tidak memperhatikan sekeliling. Sebatang kayu yang sedang terbakar jatuh dan menimpa tangan Ibu. Kamu terlepas dan diselamatkan warga. Tapi seperti nilah jadinya tangan Ibumu.”

Mendengar kisah dramatis itu, si remaja diam terpaku, terpesona. Perasaan haru muncul di hatinya hingga tidak sadar air mata pun meleleh di pipinya. Perlahan dia pun mendekatkan dirinya ke tangan itu, memeluk, dan menciuminya dengan lembut seraya berkata, “Tangan Ibu hebat dan kuat. Aku bangga, Ibu begitu mengasihiku, rela mengorbankan segalanya untuk menyelamatkan aku. Sungguh, aku sayang tangan Ibu.”

* * * *

Sesuatu itu baik atau buruk tergantung bagaimana kita melihatnya. Tangan Ibu tampak buruk tanpa kisah dibaliknya. Namun ketika kisah tangan itu diceriterakan, maka seketika terjadi perubahan pandangan: dari tangan buruk menjadi tangan indah.

Etos 5 yang berbunyi kerja adalah ibadah, aku bekerja serius penuh kecintaan, menuntut kita menggeser cara pandang pada pekerjaan. Ketika kita mampu bekerja dengan niat untuk dibaktikan kepada Tuhan, dalam sekejap wajah pekerjaan pun menjadi indah.

Wajah kerja sering kali terasa buruk. Bisa karena upahnya kecil, jauh jaraknya dari rumah, suasana terasa monoton, upahnya tidak setinggi harapan, teman sekantor tidak bersahabat, dan banyak alasan lainnya. Namun jika kita mengerti bahwa pekerjaan adalah cara Tuhan memberkati kita, maka timbullah kesadaran baru bahwa pekerjaan itu sangat berharga, bahkan mulia.

Renungkanlah makna baru pekerjaan anda. Dengan pekerjaan itu, melalui pekerjan itu, anda pernah, sedang, dan akan diberkati Tuhan. Dengan cara demikian, seperti diktum etos ini, kerja adalah ibadah, maka kita akan mampu bekerja serius penuh kecintaan dan penuh sukacita.

Makna lain kisah tangan Ibu, pasti bisa Anda petik.

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Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Women

 We have heard it said over and over again 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day'. I am a firm believer in this, and never leave the house without a good wholesome breakfast to sustain me.

For those who skip breakfast, here are some reasons you should not: a healthy breakfast helps improve concentration and productivity, controls weight and lowers cholesterol, thus reducing (to an extent) the risk of heart diseases. Healthy breakfast foods for women are those that are high in fiber and low in sugar. However, as a working woman, I do understand what a time crunch the mornings can present, and consequently, have decided to look for quick options that are nutritious and wholesome. Healthy breakfast recipes for women must be such that they sustain you for a good number of hours, and give you the energy to get through your activity packed day.

Healthy Oatmeal


* Handful of crushed almonds
* 1 Golden Delicious apple, diced
* ⅓ cup quick-cook oats, uncooked
* 1/3 cup apple juice
* Pinch of nutmeg
* ⅓ cup water
* Pinch of cinnamon


In a saucepan, mix together the apples, juice, water, cinnamon and nutmeg, and bring to a boil. Add in the oats, and cook for about a minute. Turn off the heat, cover and wait for a few minutes. Transfer to serving bowl and sprinkle almonds on top.

Banana Nut Smoothie


* 1 ripe banana, peeled
* Nutmeg
* 1 cup pineapple juice
* 3 ice cubes
* 1 tbsp creamy peanut butter
* ¾ tsp vanilla extract
* 1 tbsp low-fat plain yogurt


Slice the banana, and add it to the blender along with the pineapple juice, ice cubes, peanut butter, vanilla and yogurt. Cover and whirl on high, until smooth. Pour into glass and sprinkle with nutmeg. Consume immediately.

Scrambled Egg & Tomato Sandwich


* 2 slices whole grain bread
* ¼ cup shredded low-fat cheddar cheese
* ½ tsp butter
* 6 fresh basil leaves
* 1 clove garlic, peeled & finely chopped
* 1/8 tsp salt & pepper
* 2 tbsp parsley, finely chopped
* 1 large tomato, cored and finely diced
* 1/8 tsp hot red pepper flakes
* 2 eggs or ½ cup egg substitute


Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over low-heat. Once the butter melts add garlic and saute for a minute. Then add in the parsley and hot pepper flakes. While it is cooking for 2 to 3 minutes, whip the egg. Then add in the eggs, and scrap off the egg as soon as it begins to form. When about half of the egg is cooked, add the tomatoes, and sprinkle on salt and pepper. Toast 2 slices of bread, and sandwich the egg mixture between them. Top with basil leaves and sprinkle with cheese. Serve to eat!

Breakfast Burrito


* 1 large egg plus 4 large egg whites, beaten
* 2 tbsp salsa
* 1 large (8'') whole-wheat tortilla
* ¼ C shredded low-fat cheddar cheese
* ½ C diced lean ham
* ¼ C fresh cilantro


Coat a nonstick skillet with cooking spray, and add in the diced ham. Saute over medium-high heat, and when it starts to brown, transfer it to the tortilla. Spray the pan once more and add in the whipped eggs. Scramble them along with the cilantro. Add the eggs to the tortilla, and cover with cheese and salsa. Fold is close and enjoy.

For some other great healthy recipes read more on:

* Healthy Breakfast Recipes with Nutritional Facts
* Healthy Fast Food Breakfast

Some other healthy breakfast ideas for women are combination of yogurt, granola and fruits, a tex mex or egg and cheese sandwich with whole wheat bread, a peanut butter and jelly pancake, or a berry waffle. For healthy low calorie breakfast ideas, you could try cereals such as Kellogg's All-Bran Bran Buds, General Mills Fiber One, Kellogg's All-Bran Original, Kashi GoLean, Post Raisin Bran, Post Spoon-Size Shredded Wheat, General Mills Cheerios and Quaker Life Cereal (plain). I hope that these healthy breakfast recipes for women will inspire you to make breakfast a daily habit. And if they don't, these facts surely will: In a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, volunteers who got 22 to 55 percent of their total calories at breakfast gained only 1.7 pounds on average over four years. Those who ate zero to 11 percent of their calories in the morning gained nearly three pounds.

By Marian K

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7 Beauty Tips that Works for Your Face and Body

Beauty tip 1
Clean your face regularly with cleanser. To avoid facial damage you should not use scrubs on your face rather use a gentle, oil and fragrance free cleanser preferably one that is pH balanced with will work well for your skin care. There are different cleansers for different skin types so you need to know your skin type before use a cleanser. For oily skin use cleanser that contains benzoic peroxide or salicylic acid and if your skin is dry, avoid toner that can dry out your skin.

Beauty tip 2
To treat you puffy eyes, all you need do is chill two teaspoons in the fridge and place it on your closed eyes for some minutes or until the chill is not all that cold. This is just an emergency way of trying puffy eyes. Alternatively you can place two chamomile tea bags that have cooled after being dipped in hot water puffy eyes for few minutes.

Beauty tip 3
The neck area should be included in your skincare routine as much attention is rather given to the face. The neck is also part of your body that needs to be attended to give the whole body look a great appearance.

Beauty tip 4
Using a loafer mitt, apply the mixture of coarse salt and gentle liquid soap all over the body in the shower and rinse the suds thoroughly. You will definitely feel refreshed from your own home made salt rub.

Beauty tip 5
To closely scrutinize your face you need a magnifying mirror that will enable you to see clearly what is going on with your face. With a magnifying glass you can easily notice an enlarged pore. When noticed early it can be treated before causing damage.
7 beauty tips that works for your face and body
there are different ways to care for your skin to give it that radiant and healthy look you have always wished for. The beauty tips revealed in this article will give you some insight to how great you can look if you just take into consideration these simple tips.
By Fatai Animasahun

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Exercises to Do at Your Desk

Don't you always feel like you're sitting/working for long hours every day? That kind of work could take a toll on your health and you body's flexibility. Plus with no exercises done, you may end up getting back pains, headaches and become less productive at work. Why torture yourselves with such bad choices regarding health? I agree that sometimes, struggling with work and home responsibilities, you may not find time to workout. But there are certain stretching exercises and techniques, which can in fact help you keep the strength to go through the entire day. The following article gives you different exercises to do at your desk. Follow them whenever you find time, in-between coffee breaks, and avoid any work related injuries.

Exercises to Do at Your Desk at Work

It is essential to keep your body moving while you're at work, in order to keep your blood moving properly. The following office exercises will make you stretch sore muscles, keep you agile while at work and maintain concentration as well.

Aerobics in Few Seconds

* At your desk, do jumping jacks for about a minute. In this exercise, you will raise your right arm to touch your left toe to the side and keep your right foot on the floor. Follow on both legs.
* One of the best exercises to do at your desk is to march in place. Stay seated and do a football drill for about a minute. In your place, raise your knees and march.
* Let's do jump rope. Hop by alternating feet or on both feet at once. You can also imitate the hand movement like you're actually turning the rope.
* Sit straight on the chair and raise your hands above your head. Hold it for 30 seconds. Meanwhile, slightly stomp both feet on the floor alternatively (football-drill). Repeat 3 times a day.
* When you get up to go to the restroom or coffee break, do walking lunges. Do this at least 3 - 5 times a day.
* Always try to take the stairs, instead of elevators. If your office is located in a multistory building, take the last 5 floors by stairs. By taking stairs at least 5 times a day, you'll keep the blood circulation going for the entire day.

Strengthening in Few Seconds

* Stand behind your chair, hold the back rest and do one-legged squats.
* Stand similarly as the first exercise, but this time, keep one leg straight and with the other one, kick your buttocks.
* Be seated, lift one leg off the seat and extend it in front of you. Hold it for 3 seconds and then bring it down. Don't touch the floor, but stop short and hold again for about 10 seconds. Switch legs; repeat 10 times for both legs.
* This is one of the best strength-building exercises to do at your desk, especially for back and biceps. For back pain relief, keep both hands on the desk and hold on. Be seated, slowly push the chair away from the desk till your head is between your arms. Look at the floor and then slowly pull back. Do this about 10 times.
* To keep your shoulders strong, keep both hands on your chair's arms. Slowly, lift your bottom from the chair, hold for 2 seconds, come back down (just don't sit on the chair), and hold for 5 seconds. Do this at least 10 times.
* Stand slightly behind the chair, place both hands on the desk and take a few steps back. Now do desk push-ups for 15 counts, 3-5 times a day.

Stretching in Few Seconds

* Sit straight in your chair and try to stretch your arms above your head. Now stretch towards the sky and hold for 10 seconds. Alternate hands one by one and keep holding them in position.
* To stretch your neck, take your right ear and lower towards the right shoulder. Gently press your head with the hand to get low. Hold for 10 seconds and come back up. Change sides and repeat as many times as you want.
* Yoga is the one of the most fruitful exercises to do at your desk. Sit on your desk or on floor, turn your head towards left and bring your torso towards right. Hold this for 5 seconds and breathe normally. Come back in the middle and repeat for the other side. Do this about 15 times on each side.
Sit straight in your chair and try to touch your shoulder blades together. You may not literally touch them, but the feeling in your chest, shoulders and back will be amazingly relaxing.

There you have it folks, these were some helpful techniques to exercise at your desk. Keep following these exercises to do at your desk for a month and see the difference in yourself. You'll be more alert at work, complain less about not having enough energy that lasts for the day and get a chance to relax as well.

By Sheetal Mandora

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Exercises For Busy Moms: 4 Quick, But Effective Exercises To Keep Busy Moms Strong

We all know how difficult it is to stay in shape and find time to exercise - but most especially for women with babies or small kids. There’s the sleep-deprivation factor, no time and priority changes. So what are the fitness options for busy Moms?

The fact is, the more you can take of yourself and the better you feel, the stronger you will be physically and emotionally to take on the day with the "little ones" and all of life’s challenges.

Below are some quick, but effective, exercises - specifically designed for the busy Mom - for the back and shoulders to keep you strong and prevent future injuries that may occur with poor lifting biomechanics and poor posture. The heavy weight of not just the baby, but also all the fun gadgets you’re expected to lug around. It’s no surprise that our bodies need a little help to get through the day.

Rotator Cuff Strengthener

For this workout you will need a light theraband. The beauty about this piece of equipment is that it’s small enough to carry in your bag or your stroller. Now you have no excuses - you can do these exercises on the go, at the park or when you have a few moments to spare.

You can do this exercise either seated or standing; hold the elbows close to the waist with palms facing the sky holding the theraband. Pulling the hands away from each other externally rotating the shoulders

3 sets of 10-15 reps

Muscle focus:

Rotator cuff muscles are the small muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint. If these get weak from over use you could end up with bicep tendonitis or other potential injuries. This is very common with Moms as everything is usually done with one hand while holding the "little one" in the other.

Tricep push-up extension

This is the one time in your life you are going to need arm strength, the biceps are going to get over worked from the motion of picking up the baby so it’s important to balance these out and keep the triceps strong as not to put unwanted strain on them.

Hands are directly under your shoulders and knees are on the ground in a modified push-up. The pelvis is slightly pressed forward creating work in the abdominals that stabilize the spine. Place the theraband under the right hand on the floor and extend opposite arm in a tricep extension. Whilst extending the working arm be careful to keep the wrist in line with the hand not to create any unwanted tension/strain.

3 sets of 10-15 reps on each side

Muscle Focus:
• Drawing your shoulder blades down activating your upper back muscles, engaging abs at all times. Keeping your abs strong and being aware of contracting them is very important as they play an important role in stabilizing and protecting the back.

• Translating this in to functional activities such as picking the baby up out of the crib will really save your back.

Spine extension with pulses

Over time in pregnancy our posture completely changes due to the increased weight of the baby bringing our body forward and causing the spine to round forward with the shoulders. This causes the back muscles to become very stretched out and weak.

Seated up right with legs in front of body shoulder width apart, hands over your head. Hinge forward from the hips leading with the sternum, biceps are by your ears. Hold this position and slightly pulse the arms behind the body mobilizing the shoulders and working the upper back. Return back to an upright position to repeat the movement again.

3 sets of 10 Pulses

Muscle Focus:

Upper back and hamstring flexibility. This exercise will strengthen the mid upper back and open up the tight thoracic area of the spine, correcting bad habits that the body formed through pregnancy.

Butterfly ab curls

Keeping you abs strong is essential for keeping your whole body strong and restoring poor posture left over from pregnancy.

Lying on the floor with heals of feet together and knees bent to the side in a frog like position. Arms are straight over you head, circle arms around and lift the head neck shoulders off the floor exhaling pulling in the abs hold for 5 seconds and return back to starting position.

3 sets of 10 reps

Muscle Focus:

As you exhale and bring the head neck and shoulders off the floor think of pulling your abdominals in up and back to the spine. Moms, this is a time you can practice doing your kegal on the contraction working the pelvic floor.

A highly sought after fitness expert with over 15 years in the fitness industry, Tracey Mallett can help the busiest parents get into shape. Her Jab, Kick and Burn, Cardio Boot Camp, and Cardio Kick exercise DVDs each feature 3 different cardio workouts that hone in on kickboxing moves and techniques that will strengthen and reshape your body’s major muscles – in just 15 minutes per day. Even the busiest of parents, have 15 minutes in a day – so buy the DVD now at: http://www.traceymallett.com/products.htm

By Tracey Mallett

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Summer Fitness for Busy Women: 4 Quick Exercises To Stay Firm During Bikini Season

It’s summertime, and the living is easy – except when you have to think about putting on an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny yellow polka dot bikini! But don’t worry, there’s still time to get in shape to strut your stuff on the beach or the boardwalk!

These tried-and-tested exercises can give you quick results with just 10 minute focused workouts every other day. (If you’re on a serious mission and feeling really motivated, feel free to go for it every day!) And don’t forget to mix up these moves with some cardio work, even if it’s a game of soccer with the kids or a brisk walk to the park. Take advantage of the extra quality time you’re spending with the kids, family or friends this summer - whether at home or on vacation - and put the fun things you do to work to stay active. Every calorie counts!

And after a few weeks with these exercises, you can look your best in the season’s latest teeny-weeny bikini fashions! Have fun in the sun – but don’t forget the sunscreen!!

Dolphin Kicks

For this exercise you want to balance your weight on your forearms with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders. Make sure to pull your shoulder blades down towards the hips (away from your ears) – this will keep the stress off your shoulders. Extend your hips and spine, pull in your abs (this supports your torso) and bend your right knee slightly off the floor for more support. First Inhale, and then as you exhale extend your left leg straight out to hip height, contracting the glutes and hamstrings. Your hips should be facing forward at all times. With a slight bend, return the left leg to meet the opposite supporting leg.

Repeat up to 20 repetitions, keeping the torso still, then switch to the other side.

Muscle Focus:
Glutes, hamstrings, abs, and lats.

Super Butt Kicks

Lay down on your back, placing your arms down by your side. Lift your hips off the floor in a bridge position. Your right knee should be bent with the heel in line with your sit bone, and your left leg should be extended straight up. As you inhale, lower your left leg to the floor. Be sure to keep your hips still and maintain the bridge position. Exhale and bring the leg back up to the start position

Repeat up to 20 reps, then lower your left leg to the floor in the same bent position as the right. Lower your butt to the floor, rest, and change over to the other leg.

Muscle Focus:
Glutes, hamstrings, abs

Dead Bug

Lay down on your back with knees bent at a 45-degree angle. Head, neck and shoulders should be off the floor and hands resting on your knees. On an exhale, draw in your abs and simultaneously extend your left leg out and your right hand over your head. Repeat this move, alternating your arms and legs. Keep your eyes focused on your belly button at all times, and if you start to feel tension in your neck, lower your head down to the floor. (This will get easier as you build more strength in the abs.)

Build up to 20 repetitions completed twice with a 30-second to 1-minute break. Make sure not to sacrifice form.

Muscle Focus:

Side Plank Leg Lifts

Lay down on your side, balancing on your right hip and resting on your right forearm. Your right elbow should be directly underneath your shoulder and your knees bent and stacked on top of each other. While exhaling, contract your abs, and lift your hips off the floor. At the same time, extend your left arm and leg out to the side of your body, making sure to keep the knee and toe facing forward.

Try for 10-15 reps, then turn over onto your other side and repeat.

Muscle Focus:
Glutes, abs

Highly sought after fitness expert 15+ years in the fitness industry, Tracey Mallett can help the busiest women get into shape. Her Super Body Boot Camp Burn It and Firm It and 3-in1 Pregnancy System exercise DVDs each feature different cardio workouts that hone in on techniques that will strengthen and reshape your body’s major muscles – in just 15 minutes per day. Even the busiest women have 15 minutes in a day – so buy one of her DVDs now at: http://www.traceymallett.com/products.htm

By Tracey Mallett

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Female Incontinence - Stress Incontinence in Women

Thousands of women experience urinary incontinence (UI), or the involuntary evacuation of urine. While for some women it may just be a few drops while coughing or running, others may experience a sudden and strong urge to urinate prior to eliminating a substantial amount of urine. Both symptoms can occur in many women. The effects of urinary incontinence can range from being mildly bothersome to being completely debilitating. Many women refrain from joining in many activities with their friends and family in the fear of embarrassing themselves publicly.

So, What Exactly is Stress Incontinence?

There are many types of urinary incontinence, and stress incontinence is the most common amongst them. Stress incontinence occurs when there is a leakage of urine when a sudden extra stress or pressure is put on the bladder. The leakage of urine occurs because the urethra and the muscles of the pelvic floor are not able to withstand the extra stress. There is a development of incontinence because of the weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor. While most of the time it is only a few drops of urine, but sometimes quite a large amount of urine can be evacuated.

Urine loss due to stress incontinence occurs the most when the afflicted individual laughs, coughs, or exercises, where running or jumping is involved.

What are the Causes of Stress Incontinence?

Female stress incontinence occurs mostly due to the weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor, which in turn is generally because of childbirth. The muscles of the pelvic floor are those that that occur under the rectum and bladder. Women who have had children are more prone to stress incontinence. It also occurs more commonly due to advancing age because of the muscles getting weaker, especially after menopause. Women who are overweight are also usually prone to stress incontinence.

How can Stress Incontinence be Treated?

Usually, the first treatment involves strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor by doing pelvic floor exercises. Almost six out of ten female stress incontinence cases can be improved or cured via this treatment.

In some cases, apart from the exercises, medication may also be advised. And in case other treatments do not provide the results and if the problem continues, then surgery may also be advised.

How to do the Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises?

First of all, the correct muscles should be exercised. You may be referred to a physiotherapist or a continence advisor by your doctor to get advice on how to do the exercises.

Here is how you do the pelvic floor exercises:

* Start by sitting in a chair keeping your knees a little apart. Then squeeze the muscle that is just on top of the anus’ entrance. When you squeeze it you will feel a certain amount of movement in it. Try not to move your legs or buttocks.
* Next, try imagining as if you are passing urine and attempting to halt the flow. In this exercise you will be using a slightly different part of the muscles of the pelvic floor as compared to the previous exercise. In this, you will be strengthening the muscles that are towards the front.

These exercises must be done every day. After a few weeks, you will find the pelvic floor muscles becoming stronger. Although it will take about 8-20 weeks for most of the improvement to take place, after which time you could find yourself cured of stress incontinence. It is advisable to continue doing these exercises for the rest of your life.

Medication for Curing Stress Incontinence in Women

Duloxetine is a drug that is used for treating depression. However, it was discovered that it was also effective against stress incontinence. It works by interfering with the effects of certain chemicals that help in transmitting nerve impulses to various muscles, which results in helping the muscles that surround the urethra contract more strongly.

According to a study, it was shown that in six out of ten women who were prescribed duloxetine, the incidences of urine evacuation were halved in comparison to the time before they had taken the medication. Hence, although duloxetine on its own may not cure the problem, but it may be helpful in alleviating the condition to a certain extent. But if duloxetine is combined with the pelvic floor strengthening exercises, it probably will have higher chances of curing stress incontinence.

Surgery to Treat Female Stress Incontinence

There are several surgical methods of treating stress incontinence. Surgery is usually advised when the treatments mentioned above have not helped. The surgical methods are used to support or tighten the structures and muscles under the bladder. These surgical methods are usually successful in curing the condition.

Is there a Way to Prevent Stress Incontinence?

It is thought that if women do pelvic floor strengthening exercises after having a baby, then they are less likely to develop stress incontinence.

By Rita Putatunda

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Fitness For Women - Strength Training Takes 10 Years Off

Strength training has a lot of advantages for women, and particularly for women aged 35 to 40 and older. By the age of 40, women generally begin to lose bone density and muscle mass. One study at Tufts University, designed by the author of 'Strong Women Stay Young', Miriam Nelson PH.D, found that instead of losing bone density and muscle mass, the women were 15 to 20 years younger after one year of weight training. They gained bone density, and their strength tests matched women who were in their 30's and 40's.

These women didn't diet, but they did end up looking slimmer. Some lost 1 or 2 dress sizes, and they all replaced fat with muscle. Because muscle weighs more than fat, this is the reason they looked slimmer, though the scales may not have changed much.

The women in this study were all post menopausal, and some of their ages were in the 50's and 60's. They made some remarkable changes in their lives as they got stronger. One woman described going rollerblading with her children. Another went canoeing with her husband. More than any pills or potions, strength training gave these women back a youthfulness some didn't even have to that degree in the first place.

The women in this study used leg weights and free hand weights that were adjustable in their strength training program. They started at a level they were able to - even if this was the lightest weights available. They didn't buy lots of expensive equipment or home gyms, and many of these can be bought second hand with a little research locally. As they developed their strength, they invested in heavier weights.

For the strap on ankle weights, they started with 1 to 3 kilograms in each cuff. The suggested ankle cuffs hold up to 10 kilograms each. The dumbells they used for their arms were adjustable, and they started with 1 or 2 kilograms. The only other equipment they needed was a chair, somewhere to store the weights, and a towel. Because you're working out in your own home you don't need to buy expensive or flashy gym clothes, or worry about feeling the odd one out.

The workout itself is in the book, Stong Women Stay Young. It covers a range of basic exercises that don't take up too much time, which is suggested you do twice a week. Each session takes about 40 minutes including warming up and cooling down.

Tips for women working out with weights at home

* Make sure the area you're working in doesn't have rugs, electrical cords, toys and other items that you can trip over
* Keep your pets and young children away from this area whilst you're working out
* If you're using a chair when you do exercises, make sure it's on a carpet that won't slide around. If you don't have carpet, put the chair against the wall so it stays stable
* If you have problems with your back, you'll need to be careful when you're carrying your free weights around. Take a few trips to carry things if you have to move them in or out of a storage area. And make sure you lift them properly by bending your knees and moving slowly.
* It helps to keep the weights you're not currently using in their container. That way they can't be knocked off by curious children.
* If you're using leg weights, don't walk around with them on. It could affect your balance. And if you trip on something, you are more likely to injure yourself than normal
* Keep the telephone off the hook, and the cellphone off. That way if someone rings you won't be interrupted
* Make sure you have some drinking water nearby in case you get thirsty.
* Don't drink any alcohol, even a little bit, less than a couple of hours before you exercise
* Try and make sure you haven't just eaten a meal before you work out. But by the same token, make sure you're not starving! If you're really hungry, you could become light headed or dizzy when you work out.
* Don't forget to warm up!
* If you're using weights, try doing them in front of a mirror so you can check your posture. You'll get more out of the exercise, and work the right muscles. Sometimes our posture becomes so habitual we don't realize it's not quite right until we see it
* If you're using weights, a good posture means you're chin is down slightly, so that it's aligned with your neck. Your neck is in line with your spine, shoulders are straight and not stiff, back is straight, and your knees are not locked or bent. Your pelvis should be tucked under a little
* When using weights, do the lifts slowly. This really works the muscles instead of letting the motion do the work for you.
* Make sure you pause for a count between lifting the weight up, and lowering it
* Don't hold your breath whilst you're lifting weights. Given that we're contracting muscles, sometimes we unconsciously hold our breaths at the same time. Remember to breath, but don't go the other extreme and hyperventilate!

By Rebecca Prescott

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Fitness -- For women by women! Finding a female fitness trainer

Finding female trainers -- Fitness for and by women.

So, you've been through the "drill sargeant" deal at the local fitness center. You've taken advice from the great looking young man at the club and you've even done the latest heavy weight workout as shown by the oiled up bodybuilder from the local gnc... and what is the point I'm getting at? Well, men just don't know what we go through!

Often we receive requests for female fitness trainers to work with women. We offer exclusively private fitness training for women by women. Because we understand that women often share personal information with other woman we feel it is vital to have female trainers working with female clients. A male trainer may have the best intentions, education, and experience to offer a female client, however, sometimes the bond we women share is ultimately more comfortable and important to our clients. Therefore we are happy to offer services, consultation, and personal training for women by women.

Working with a female trainer is more involved than most folks realize. Think about the time, confidence, and private information we women typically share with each other. Emotionally, we simply "connect" better than a male normally can. Would you feel comfortable sharing private details about your body, health, and fitness with a trainer of the opposite sex? Often sharing private details about our life can be intimidating. Sharing details with a good girlfriend or a female fitness trainer is second nature for most women. We girls have to stick together!

Women trainers understand more than "that time of the month" we understand what it is like to feel a certain way in our favorite jeans -- we understand how we feel when our husbands don't look at us quite the way they used to, and we understand how important it is for us to feel good about the way we look even we are having a "fat jeans" day!

Remember when you used to go out with the girls once a week? Don't you feel great after a nail appointment? And why? We need our girl time! Working with a female trainer can be just the "appointment" you've been missing. And yes we do have our "off" days, but, for the most part I couldn't imagine working with a male client. I love working with my women clients! As a mother working full-time I understand how crucial it is to demonstrate empathy with experience to the women with whom I work. I love to share tid-bits about our common experiences and it's great to be in a position to see my women go through many of the same obstacles and battles I've been through -- and come out on top!

If you are convinced that better fitness will help you live a stronger, more enjoyable longer life with your husband (you can get him going later!), family and friends, please start exercising today! Remember, just a little exercise to get you going and planning long-term for a more rewarding lifestyle can help you to make the most important step towards better fitness you can make -- getting started.

It is our mission to introduce healthier living through Client First Servicing; offering effective, safe, and simple solutions to your fitness and weight loss needs. Our Christian fitness company offers safe and responsible personal training. Our female personal trainers specialize in beginner's fitness, fitness training for women -- busy moms and executives, weight loss, injury prevention and customized meal planning programs to personal and corporate fitness clients. We offer personal fitness training in the Memphis area. We can train you in our facilities or in your home or office. We also offer special training for people over 50, senior citizens and people with special needs.

By Derek Curtice

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Everyday Makeup Tips

Although using make up on a daily basis is not considered good for the health of the skin, considering the fact that most cosmetics these days contain some strong chemical or the other, yet if the makeup is applied minimally and the cosmetics are chosen carefully, its harmful effects on the skin can be minimized to a great extent. Below are some useful everyday makeup tips for women, which will help them to maintain good looks throughout the day without having any negative repercussions on their skin. Read more on everyday makeup ideas.

Easy Everyday Makeup Tips

Choose Cosmetics Carefully
When you are applying make up on your skin everyday, make sure that you only use beauty products of good quality. Always go in for the brands who have a name in the beauty market. Also, when buying or using the cosmetics, see to it that they are within the expiry date. Ideally, lipsticks and foundations should not be used for more than a year. Powder and eye shadows may last for two years and be very careful about the mascara as it should not be used for more than four months, after opening the bottle.

Another of the everyday makeup tips is to go in for cosmetics which are powder based rather than those that are liquid based. Powder based makeup contains lesser chemicals and preservatives when compared to the liquid based makeup. While choosing pencil eyeliners or eyebrow pencils, go for the ones which are wax based as they can be easily removed just by water.

Keep a Natural Look
For everyday makeup, use earth tones rather than dark colored makeup. Start with applying the foundation on your forehead, cheeks and chin and then blend it using your fingertips. Next, apply foundation on the jawline and the neck area too, so that there is no difference in the color of the neck and the face. If you have certain problem areas on your face, such as spots or blemishes or dark circles under the eyes, cover them with a liquid concealer. In the end, dust your face with some loose powder to set in the foundation and the concealer. Read more on natural looking makeup.

For doing eye makeup, start with applying an eyeshadow on the entire eyelid. For day makeup, lighter eyeshadow shades should be used. Once the eyeshadow has been applied, use a brown eye pencil and line your upper lashes with it. Next, with an eyelash curler, curl your lashes and follow it up with a thin coat of mascara on both the lower and upper lashes. Read more on easy eye makeup.

To highlight your cheekbones and to give a natural healthy glow to your face, use a blusher. To apply it properly, look into the mirror and give a big smile. The part of the cheek that protrudes below the eyes, also know as the apple of the cheek, is where the blush should be applied and then blended towards the hairline. Besides the cheeks, the blush should be applied on the forehead, temples and chin. One of the most important of everyday makeup tips is to use a light colored blusher such as light pink, to keep the look natural and soft. Read more on natural makeup tips.

Before doing lip makeup, take a damp cloth and rub your lips with it to give them a smoother appearance. Start the lip makeup with lining the lips with a lip liner, which should be one shade darker than your lipstick color. Next, apply the lipstick, starting from the center of the lips and then blending towards the corners, to give the illusion of a pout. Take a tissue and blot the lipstick and then reapply it. This makes the lip makeup last for the entire day. Read more on lip makeup tips.

Remove the Makeup Properly
When applying makeup on a daily basis, it is important that you remove it thoroughly before sleeping at night. For that, you may use a makeup remover. A good alternative for a makeup remover is baby oil, which is equally good in getting the makeup off your skin and is almost chemical free. Read more on best makeup remover.

I hope the above mentioned everyday makeup tips will help you when you set out to buy cosmetics for daily wear or when you apply your make up every morning. Along with makeup, caring for the skin is essential too, to get the perfect look. So, making a routine of cleansing, toning and moisturizing the skin everyday as well as applying sunscreen before applying the makeup, which is on the whole necessary to get an all day lasting radiant glow on your face.

By Aastha Dogra

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A Woman's Guide to Success in the Kremlin

In the man's world that is Russia, a woman's work is rarely in the corridors of power. But that may change now that the only female candidate in the last presidential election has written a guide on how to get ahead in the testosterone-fuelled world of Moscow's political elite.

Irina Khakamada, a former junior minister who polled 3.8% of the vote in March 2004, launched her memoir, Sex in Big Politics, yesterday. The book advises politically ambitious women on how to get on in politics. She said: "There are unwritten rules. You can't read them in the constitution, so I explain how it happens in real life. It's difficult, sophisticated advice, and very wise.

"I explain what kind of clothes are openly sexual and excite men," she said, adding that these "have to be thrown out ... But at the same time, I explain how to conserve your femininity".

In an extract in a tabloid paper yesterday, she recounted how the corridors of parliament smelled of alcohol by the evening, and recalled meeting President Vladimir Putin for the first time during a theatre interval. She said on approaching him she put one high-heeled foot far forward, and the other backwards, lowering her body so she could meet the diminutive president at eye level. "We had a nice chat," she wrote.

"Power in Russia is very Byzantine," she said, adding that your level of favour with the prime minister can be measured by how he greets you. "If it's according to Russian tradition [three kisses on alternate cheeks], you'll be in your job for at least the next six months."

© Guardian News &amp

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Where to, woman?

Once upon a time, men were the bread earners, or meat hunters…. basically food provider of the family where as women were confined (then, this was not termed as ‘confinement’ guess, this word was coined much later) to the household chores. Woman were quite satisfied and occupied with their work so were the men…they shared a happy, peaceful existence. A balanced life. Right?

Today, men still are the ones who get the money but with the concept of double salaried family coming up the roles of women have undergone a change. Now, their responsibilities encompass both the home front as well as juggling the similar office hours, tensions, backbiting, politicking of the work place.

The so-called feminists would have had never thought of this changed equation in their wildest dreams. They won the battle, agreed. But, the war is still to be won.

Because, here we are not only dealing with an eon long patriarchal entrenched male psyche but also we are treading on thin ice in terms of the ‘victim’.

You simply cannot afford to start on the offensive till the female gender is herself sure about what she wants.

When asked about whether she prefers a husband who would lend a helping hand (sharing equal responsibilities is too much to ask for even as a wish) to the household chores, no one would ever give an answer in the negative. Right?

So, lets try and peek at the households who despite all the odds do share ‘An Equal responsibility’ balance like mine Oops! …. Us.

My husband, in fact both of us, come from an average income family, have been brought up with the usual gender equations. But, since we are both MBA’s from the same institute, same batch, working in the same organization, earning the same pay package.. we pride ourselves as being the new jet age couple.
So, my husband tries his very best to help me at every step, every domain, each and every work.
Blessing? Nopes, a disaster!
Before you start on ‘Oh, how wonderful, wish I was in your shoes..’ Let me explain.
The day starts at exactly 7: 35 am. Even a minute lost, can lead to irrevocable consequences.
I try my very best to reach the kitchen before he does. Why? Is that the question? Because, the day my hubby tries his hands on cooking…(His culinary skills just barely somehow manages to boast a few dishes like omelets/toast/tea/coffee….) we never ever reach office on time.
As I have to first clean up the mess AND then start afresh.
So, practically his help costs us a lot in terms of salary deducted for half day.
Evenings are worse. Since, both of us are half dead hence any inefficiency at his end leads to a cat- fight.
He, in the end, declares that he would never ever even try to offer any help.

Yuppee…. That’s it!

But, this feeling does not last till the next morning when my ever conscious husband forgetting all about the gender equations, the job division, the feminist movement… gets up and asks .. Tea or Coffee?

By Minal Srivastava

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