The representation of business women in the global market today is rapidly increasing and working in foreign countries offers enormous business potential for women. This does not come however, without its difficulties particularly where women are concerned.
It is a misconception that women in business are not equipped to undertake work in foreign countries and that the global market is best overseen by men. This is an issue however, which is now changing across the globe and it is becoming more acceptable and familiar to see women undertaking business in the global market. Some of the misconception has also been centered around the fact that women have not been offered posts abroad as they may not be accepted to undertake business in other countries in the global market.
Business dealings in the global market are always going to pose some hurdles in respect of local culture, customs, wariness and acceptance and there is no evidence that women have a more difficult time than men where the business dealings are concerned.
Customs vary from one country to another and the attitude to women may differ from our own, but this does not preclude women from the global business market. It is also important for women undertaking business in the global arena, not to mistake a particular attitude of a male counterpart for gender bias, which may be nothing more than cultural attitude.
In some cultures it is perfectly accepted for people to stand close to one another and this may be thought too familiar on the part of a woman conducting business with a male.
As the global business market increases and women’s role in it more literature and training information targeted towards the women in the global arena. The two rules therefore are: a) do not dismiss women from working in the global market. b) Intercultural training is a must.
Translation Service London
London based interpreting agency.
By Neil Payne