Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Interview Dress for Women

Women have a lot of flexibility in their wardrobe that can be a good and bad thing. The standard job interview dress for women is still pretty much the same thing as men, a dark navy or grey suit or other conservative colors. Women should avoid wearing a dress.

Make up should be very minimal with both the lipstick and nail polish being conservative tones. You should have panty hose with no runs and also conservative in color. Try to have a briefcase and not a purse.

As stated before suits are the best choice for the job interview. Employers seem of a split mind whether it should be a pantsuit or skirted. Your skirt length should always be below the knees and never far above the knee. No matter what anyone tells you.

The best patterns for your clothing are solids, soft plaids, tweed and the like. Colors are also best to be conservative; blue, grey, charcoal, khaki, etc.

When it comes to shoes women should stay with a conservative pump with a mid level heel. Extremely high heels are a definite no no. Your shows should complement your outfit and not be the center of it. It should also go without saying that no sandals or sneakers for a job interview.

Women should always wear hosiery on a job interview. Even though you will not on the day to day job you should for your job interview. They should be a natural skin color and stay away from white.

Of course your hairstyle should also be conservative and easy to control. You do not want your hair to be the focus of attention. You want your skills and experience to be. If necessary wear your hair up.

Finally avoid any bright lipstick and subdued makeup. Wear deodorant and go light on the perfume. Brush your teeth and use mouthwash before the interview. There is nothing worst then having an interview with someone with bad breath.

I have personally cut interviews short because I couldn’t take someone’s breath or perfume. They could have had the qualifications but I wouldn’t have known because I needed to get fresh air.

By David Clemen

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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Kepribadian Dilihat Dari Bentuk Hidung

Karakter Hidung – Ahli kepribadian percaya bahwa bentuk hidung dapat mengungkap kepribadian Anda. Simon Brown, penulis buku The Secrets of Face Reading, mencoba menganalisis apa kata bentuk hidung mengenai Anda.


Ciri-ciri : Tulang hidung panjang, lekukan jelas hampir seperti cekungan, dan mencuat di ujung tulang hidung.
Analisis : Tipe hidung yang imut ini menandakan Anda orang yang baik hati, optimis, dan perhatian. Pribadi Anda juga penuh dengan antusiasme dan sangat suportif pada keluarga dan teman. Tidak lupa Anda juga menyimpan jiwa petualang dalam seks.
Contohnya : Aktris Nicole Kidman, Marilyn Monroe, dan Victoria Beckham.


Ciri-ciri : Tipe hidung ini memiliki benjolan kecil mulai dari pertengahan tulang hidung yang mengarah ke ujung bawah hidung.
Analisis : Tipe ini merupakan sinyal kepribadian yang kuat, tapi tidak selalu impulsif. Anda orang yang memotivasi orang lain, berpengaruh dan penuh perhitungan.
Contohnya : Presiden Perancis, Nicolas Sarkozy, Penyanyi Bono (U2).


Ciri-ciri : Tulang hidung panjang, lurus, dan terkesan kuat. Jika dilihat sudut yang terbentuk antara ujung hidung dan bibir atas membentuk sekitar 80 derajat, atau mendekati sudut siku-siku.
Analisis : Anda adalah orang yang efisien, pekerja keras, dan orang yang menjaga emosi sehingga sulit untuk dimengerti. Anda adalah orang yang dicari saat terjadi krisis.
Contohnya : Mantan perdana menteri Tony Blair, Margaret Thatcher.


Ciri-ciri : Tipe hidung ini menyerupai kaitan atau paruh burung elang yang melengkung di punggung hidung.
Karakter : Tipe ini yang paling peduli dengan apa yang dikatakan orang lain tentang Anda. Berjiwa pemberontak, tidak membutuhkan persetujuan orang lain, dan paling bahagia ketika mengejar tujuan pribadi.
Contohnya : Paris Hilton, dan penyair Dante Alighieri.


Ciri –ciri : Tipe ini sama dengan hidung pesek. Bertulang pendek, dan tidak ada bagian yang menonjol.
Karakter : Tipe hidung ini biasanya cerdas dan bijaksana daripada orang kebanyakan. Mereka bereaksi dengan cepat, atau terlalu cepat, sehingga terkesan agresif.
Contohnya : Penyanyi Lily Allen, dan aktor Johnny Depp.


Ciri-ciri : Bertulang pendek dan lebar, tapi tidak menonjol. Tipe ini lazim ditemui kelompok etnis tertentu.
Karakter : Tipe ini mencerminkan kreativitas dan gairah. Ia juga karismatik, mudah menarik perhatian orang banyak.
Contohnya : Presiden AS, Barrack Obama, model Naomi Campbell, dan aktor Will Smith.

by dhixaz 

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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Seven Calculated Choices to Make Your Career Leap Like a Geyser

"Life leaps like a geyser for those willing to drill through the rock of inertia." - Alexis Carrel

When I was 10 years old, our family vacation was to Yellowstone Park in Wyoming. I remember watching in awe as the Old Faithful geyser of its own free will and choice erupted out of what appeared from a distance to be solid rock, sending hot water and steam high in the air.

This experience made it possible for me to visualize the above quote by Alexis Carrel, "Life leaps like a geyser for those willing to drill through the rock of inertia."

Inertia is that quality keeping us at rest, or at the same level of achievement you had last month. To go from rest to action, to go from lethargic to energetic, to go from procrastination to productive work, requires an external force.

Just like Old Faithful, the desire for more success and achievement can erupt inside of you. When it does, take the time to reevaluate, reexamine, rethink, and reorganize – all activities geared to help you drill through the rock of inertia and heat tepid attempts at success into the sizzling, boiling actions that will send your career dancing like a geyser, erupting by its own free will and choice.

These seven calculated choices will help you drill through the rock of inertia to the success you have always wanted. Be bold and choose to:

1. Reevaluate and reexamine your purpose. By reevaluating and reexamining your life will you receive the gut feelings, the inspirations, and the revelations to take you to the next level you long for in your soul.

2. Believe in your abilities. You are not human if you have not had the desire to do, then immediately had distinct feelings of inadequacy. For some strange reason, we doubt ourselves before we believe in our abilities. As your true potential is unknown, keep discovering who you are by unwavering belief in yourself.

3. Plan, visualize, imagine, and "picturize" your future. The majority of individuals want success but expect it to come through the hoping and wishing process. However, the attainment of your personal dreams with great triumphs over the rock bed of inertia do not happen without detailed planning.

With detailed visualization, your subconscious mind becomes an efficient partner in your quest for such a property. For instance, instead of thinking, "I want a new home" visualize an estate with a 6,000 square foot house and a view from the top of a mountain that can't be duplicated anywhere in the world.

4. Use ink, the missing link. After your visualization process, you may wonder why you are not on target. Your visualization process no doubt had you reaching the goal in record time. You may have omitted the "inking" part or the writing component of the planning process. By "inking" the goal, you embed permanent pictures in your subconscious mind for you to access any time you choose, permitting you to renew your passion and energy.

5. Move into motion. Individuals often miss opportunities because opportunity is disguised as work…work that requires exertion and perspiration. American Industrialist and founder of Getty Oil, J. Paul Getty said, "Rise early. Work late. Strike oil." You can't read that statement without envisioning hard work and the rewards of persistent toil.

6. Be resolute and determined. As you work through the year, you will hit snags, have setbacks, miss promotions, lose sales, etc. Your personal resolve is more important than any New Year's resolution. Resolve is the personal power to follow through on the goals you committed to mentally and emotionally, to continue to pursue the purpose and objectives you visualized and "picturized" when the New Year dawned. It is the personal power to stay the course in spite of opposition or resistance.

7. Do it daily! As a teenager, I remember reading that the key to self-mastery was to do something you didn't want to do every day. If you counted going to bed at night, then I could check this off daily. In achieving any worthy objective, there must be consistency in the amount of hard work you put in; an hour here and a day there just isn't going to do it. Even a week of sustained effort doesn't bring results. You need months and years of daily, sustained sweat equity.

One of my greatest irritants is to have worked hard on a project that didn't bring me the results I visualized. It is very painful to me have spent precious time on tasks that have no effect on my success. If you have felt the same sense of despair, then follow closely these seven calculated choices which will focus you on what is of the utmost importance to you both personally and professionally. As you make these calculated choices on a daily basis, you will drill through the rock of inertia and life will leap like a geyser for your success!

Karla Brandau, CSP, is an expert in change, leadership and team building in the flat world. She offers keynotes and workshops to move your organization forward. Sign up for her monthly newsletter, from the Desk of Karla Brandau and download free articles by going to

By Karla Brandau

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Makeup Tips for Teenagers

The teenage period is the most enjoyable and even the most difficult time for certain youngsters. This is the time, one goes into high school and often remains confused whether one is actually a kid or a grown up. Often one may feel they do not belong to any of the two categories and this is what makes most teens feel even worse. Restrictions and more restrictions! Do not party too much, wear less makeup and concentrate on your studies-I am sure most people would be familiar with these lines! Well, whether our folks like it or not, I am sure most teens love to wear makeup. Teen makeup for me was only during inter-college festivals and special functions hosted in the college itself. I always wished someone had special sessions for makeup tips for teenagers. That would have saved me a lot of hassle and at least I would not have looked like someone has poured all the colors of the rainbow on my face! This piece is especially for those teens that are seeking for some teen makeup tips to look stunning for that happening night out with the cute guy next door! A word of warning for grown ups- Keep Out!

Makeup Tips for Teenagers:
Ok, so you are not blessed with the best skin and already have a pimple a day before the party. No need to panic, that’s what teen makeup is all about. One thing I would like to mention here though, you must avoid using make up on a daily basis, as it would simply harm your skin in the long run.

* For girls who need to brighten up their skin, firstly you need follow a good skin care routine. Use a deep cleanser to remove all the oils and traces of makeup every night. Use a gentle scrub once in a while to get rid of dull skin. I know you would be crazy about foundations, but teens don’t actually need to use foundation. Please leave that to the grown ups. If you are having spots or marks, use a concealer to hide the problem areas. Use tinted bronze shades that can add to the natural glow of your skin. Apply this on the cheeks, forehead, chin and the nose. This would help you achieve a sun kissed look. Use some loose powder to even out the uneven texture of the skin.
* Go in for eye makeup only for parties at night. You can begin with a light eye shadow to cover the eyelid. Then take a slightly darker eye shadow and cover the area towards the top of the eyelid. Choose shades that suit your skin tone or you can go in for shades that match your outfit. Be careful of zany shades such as blue as it may tend to make you look pale. Apply a black/brown liner to the eyelid and apply some kohl under your eyes to give them definition. This would help you bring attention to your eyes. Finish with a coat of mascara to your eyelashes. This would help in making your eyes appear wider.
* If you need to define your eyebrows than go in for an eyebrow pencil that is a shade lighter than your natural shade of the brows. Use an eyebrow comb to brush it out evenly.
* Makeup tips for teenagers can never be complete without a blusher. The blusher helps to add to the warmth of the skin and can also help to liven up the look. For a chiseled look, dab some blusher a little below your cheekbones. Use the blusher in an outward direction if you want your eyes to appear wider.
* Lipsticks are probably high on the must haves on most teens. Always use a lip liner so that you can define your lips well. Use natural shades for the day and dark shades for the night. Nude shades work best for a sun kissed look in the morning hours. Top it with loads of gloss for haughty lips. You also need to keep the lipstick shade in co-ordination with your eye shadow. Both have to be on similar lines. Light shades also help to make your lips appear fuller.
* Highlighters help to bring more attention to specific areas of the face. Use a silver highlighter under your brow to jazz up the eyes.

Some factors to consider for Teen Makeup:

* Ensure you have the right brushes for the makeup application. This would help you blend it well.
* Always test the foundation or products that you have not regularly used to know how your skin would react. This would help you avoid any hassles later.
* Clean your makeup brushes once you are done. Do not leave any color on them for a long period of time.
* Avoid heavy makeup and also ensure you clean the face once you come home from the party.

Well, teen makeup should be used to enhance your features. Remember, you must not depend on this to be truly beautiful. Always eat right and be happy. This is bound to reflect in your face!

By Kashmira Lad

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Make-up Must Haves for Working Women

Women without make-up are like Men without… well lets not get into that! But it can be safely said that make-up is an important thing to most women (lets leave out the one’s who do not even know how to use an eye pencil). So quite obviously I am talking about make-up here. Lets say on an average a workingwoman spends 10 hours at work, after which she would either go home to her family or if she is single, she would like to go socialize with friends or go on dates to change her single status. These socializing working-women don’t have the time to go home, doll up and then go out…they’d much rather go directly from work.

Now come important questions like what to wear, what accessories and what make-up? The what to wear part is easy. On the nights you are going to be socializing, why not wear a nice top like a halter and combine it with a jacket to be appropriately dressed at work. The jacket can come off when you leave work. For accessories, hoops in the ears and bangles in the hands are you are good to go. This brings us to the topic of make-up; it’s not possible to carry your entire make-up box to work in anticipation of a night out.

Every woman must have some basic items that can be used to create any look, be it romantic, seductive, classy or glamorous. A woman can either carry these make-up items with her in a small pouch or store them in her desk drawer if she’d rather not carry them around. So before setting out on a night in the town all you have to do is whip out your make-up, just seven basic items and you are ready to look your best and have a blast.

Remember that before you apply make-up you need to wash your face and moisturize it, so carry a face-wash and moisturizer if possible.

Make-up Must Haves

* Concealer – as much as we would like to believe that we have perfect skin, lets face it, we do not. We all have certain problems on our face, acne, wrinkles, pigmentation or scars, instead of using foundation and looking cakey why not use concealer. Just remember that concealer needs to be patted on the skin on just the area needed, never rub it in the skin because that is not going to make any difference.
* Compact powder – shiny is in, but a shiny oily face certainly isn’t. a little compact or loose powder goes a long way to prevent that greasy look. It also helps to set the concealer that you may have applied.
* Blush – whether you desire the sun-kissed look, or rosy look, you definitely need a little blush. Carry a small blush kit in a color that suits your skin tone and make sure it comes with a nice rounded brush. Avoid flat brushes; these do not help in application.
* Eye shadow – dress up your eyes, either naturally or with a more dramatic smoky look depending on your mood and the occasion. Carry an eye-shadow kit that comes with basic colors like bronze, white, pink and black. It may-be difficult to come across this combination but you can come close to it.
* Eye pencil – an eye pencil or kohl pencil is a must. You can create a basic look or a dramatic look for your eyes using just a basic black kohl pencil. Make sure that the tip of the pencil is sharp and pointy to avoid a messy thick look.
* Mascara – add drama and oomph to your eyes with mascara, a single or double coat of mascara can light up even the most tired eyes. Mascara is a must even if you skip out on the eye pencil.
* Lipstick or gloss – whether you prefer lipstick in matt or a nice shiny gloss, some form of lip-color is essential. It adds color to your face. If possible try and get a lip color palette that comes with 4 colors and a lip brush, this gives you more variety. And if you have misplaced your eye shadow, these lip colors can even be used be as eye shadow.

By Khushnuma Irani

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Stay at Home Moms Vs. Working Moms

Raising kids is one of the most challenging tasks that awaits you in life. There are so many sacrifices to be made, so much of emotional stress to be dealt, but it's the sheer joy of watching your child grow up, that keeps you going. Since, child care is a full time job in itself, it would be important to decide for a couple how they are going to manage it. Mostly, the responsibility of nurturing the kids falls upon the shoulders of a woman. This is where the battle between stay at home moms vs. working moms comes into picture. Stay at home vs. working moms statistics shows that stay at home moms tend to be less educated, however, this may not be always the case. Many young women with sound educational background leave their bright careers for the joy of experiencing motherhood. Let us get acquainted with a few facts about stay at home moms vs. working moms. More on child development.

Stay at Home Moms vs. Working Moms: Facts

The planning for child care should start from the moment you decide to have a baby. Obviously, the decision about who would be staying at home with kids should also be made at that time itself. Although, raising kids is primarily considered as a woman's domain, it would be wise to make an exception if the woman has a challenging career with bright prospects, as compared to her spouse. However, more often than not, it is the woman herself who willingly decides to quit her job for caring for her kids. However, this decision may not be easy, especially if you won't have a reliable friend or relative to help with the child. Given below are some points that you should consider before making this big decision.

Can You Financially Afford to Leave Your Job?

Although, a full time day job essentially means a regular paycheck and extra cash at hand, it always may not be the case, if you decide to continue your job after childbirth. You definitely have to spend a large amount of your earnings on commutation, office wardrobe, taxes etc. If you opt to work full time, you will have to make arrangements for day care, baby sitter and other expenses, in addition to your regular work expenses. Considering that, will you still be able to save a large chunk of your earnings? If yes, then you should consider being a working woman, otherwise staying at home may suit you best. However, again make sure if you can afford to forgo your income and be able to cover your expenses in a single income.

Will You be Able to Cope with the Stress?

When you think about stay at home moms vs. working moms, stress is the factor that is invariably present in both the situations. Although, staying at home means more free time with your kids and spouse, you cannot forget that you will still have to do the housework yourself, without any help. Similarly, if you opt to work full time, you still cannot evade household responsibilities. Handling job stress along with housework and demanding children can make you crazy. On the other hand, if you find your career challenging and derive pleasure out of your job, you may be able to handle both the responsibilities with increased efficiency. Interaction with people at work can actually have a positive impact on your personality. This is something you might lose if you choose to stay at home. Many stay at home moms who had to forgo a challenging career for motherhood, suddenly find their life listless and depressing. Thus, you'll have to assess what kind of a person you are and what are your inclinations.

What are Your Prospects of Returning to Work?

Most women who give up their careers for raising children, hope to join workforce someday. However, while your kids grow up and you are ready to make a comeback, your skills or qualifications may have become obsolete, making your return pretty difficult. Hence, before quitting a promising career make sure your prospects of returning are good. Another option is to hone you skills and keep yourself updated with your corresponding field, while you are at home, caring for children. You may also consider this as an opportunity to learn new skills. Many stay at home moms work from home, or engage them in some 'stay at home moms jobs', so that they don't feel incompetent when they are ready to resume work.

By Ashwini Kulkarni

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