Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

Women quit careers due to unhelpful husbands

 A new study has shown that women are compelled to give up their careers as their husbands refuse to share household work with them.

The research led by Cornell University showed that women are more likely to give up their high flying jobs or take on less demanding roles if their husbands work long hours.

Youngjoo Cha, a sociologist from Cornell University , found that women whose husbands work more than 60 hours per week are 42 per cent more likely to leave their jobs than women whose partners work fewer hours.

The probability of professional women quiting their job increases by more than half when their husbands work 60 hours or more per week. Moreover, those who also have children the likelihood that they will resign increases by 112 per cent.

"The norm of overwork systematically disadvantages women, who are less likely to work long hours because of the expectation that they will have primary care-giving responsibilities and do more housework than men," telegraph.co.uk quoted Cha as saying.

She added: "As long work-hours introduce conflict between work and family into many dual-earner families, couples often resolve conflict in ways that prioritise husbands' careers.

"This effect is magnified among workers in professional and managerial occupations, where the norm of overwork and the culture of intensive parenting tend to be strongest.

"The findings suggest that the prevalence of overwork may lead many dual-earner couples to return to a separate spheres arrangement - breadwinning men and homemaking women." 

Can't You See I'm Working?

by C.J. Hayden, MCC

For many working parents, telecommuting or a home business may seem like the answer to your prayers. You want to have more time with your kids and greater flexibility, so you take the leap, install a second phone line, and set up a computer in the dining room.

But the first thing you may discover is that working from home includes many unexpected distractions. Children, your spouse, neighbors, and the family dog come and go. They make loud noises, ask for your help, or interrupt to ask a quick question, always just long enough to break your concentration.

Your family and friends don't seem to understand that you're working. They ask you to run errands, expect you to handle chores, and want to chat on the phone. When you see the pile of laundry or stack of dishes sitting there waiting, you may be tempted to take time out from work to clean up a bit.

Youd like to keep your house livable and be available to the people you care about, but it's just too much for one person to manage. When can you get any work done?

The way out of this dilemma is to set clear boundaries on your space, time, and responsibilities. If your office has a door, try having 'open-door' time and 'closed-door' time. When your door is open, the kids can come say hello, ask questions, or tell you about their day. When the door is closed, it means 'Do Not Disturb.'

A good way to explain this to children is to tell them you need some private time, not just that you are busy. If your office doesn't have a door, you need one! Try to find another place in your home where you can create some private space for at least part of the day.

Setting regular working hours will help you manage your time better as well as give some guidelines to your family. Build your hours around the family activities that are important to you. If your kids get home at 2:00, for example, set up your work day from 8:30 to 2:00 and 4:00 to 6:00.

Your schedule can change each week to allow for your childrens activities, when necessary. Choose how many work hours per week makes sense for you, design a schedule, and post it on your office door. Highlight the open times, and let everyone know that's when you are available to them.

If your family expects you to run errands and handle chores during your work day, it may be time to hold a family meeting. Explain to your children (and remind your spouse) that it may look like mommy or daddy is playing on the computer or chatting on the phone, but this is his or her job, and it contributes to the family's income.

Start by listing all the jobs that need to be done for the household, and who does them now. Instead of assigning chores, try asking each family member to volunteer for something. If there are lots of tasks left over, be sure to ask if they really need to be done, or done as often. (Dusting, for example, may need to go by the wayside.) If you are doing chores during time you could be making money, consider hiring someone else to clean your house, service the car, or drive the kids to after-school activities.

When one of your boundaries gets tested, learn to hold the line. If you give in even once, don't expect the boundary to hold up. Try making the closed door, posted schedule, or job roster the bad guy instead of yourself.

Instead of, 'I'm too busy to talk right now -- you'll have to wait,' say, 'The door is closed now, would you please come back when it's open?' When friends phone during work time, ask them to call back after hours. And when someone doesn't do one of their chores, don't do it for them. Serving a meal on dirty dishes may seem extreme, but it will get the message across.

Expect Success to Stay Self-Motivated and Get Great Results

By Caterina Rando, MA, MCC

If you called my office you will hear my voice mail message that ends with the words Expect Success.

Theres a important intent behind that. What if every time we made a phone call or personal request or met with a potential new customer, you expected you would be successful? Do you think your behavior would be different?

If we truly expected success we would make more phone calls, make more requests and schedule more appointments. And that would result in more business, more income, more ease in our workday, and more overall success.

When we call people or meet with them, we have to hold the attitude that we are offering them an opportunity. An important opportunity, and maybe even the perfect opportunity for them. If they do not go for it, thats fine. Our responsibility to ourselves is to make the offer. It doesnt matter what the thoughts and actions of the other person are; it doesnt matter whether they agree to what you are offering or not. What matters is that you go for what you want all the time, every time, and are as proactive and confident as you would be if you knew you could not miss.

As you well know success is not a destination we arrive at; it is an attitude we hold along the way. All the joy of our professional lives is not in the outcome, but in the process. Do not rob yourself of the satisfaction that lies on the path along the wayenjoy every call you place, every order you take, every presentation you make. Revel in the process of being a successtoday.

To expect more success, more of the time, follow these steps:

- Acknowledge all the small successes in the process. Count your wins daily. Wins are all those things that go your way in a given daythe letter you wrote, the VIP you finally got hold of, the parking ticket you eluded, the compliment you received.

- Smile. Both psychologically and physiologically, this simple, easy action improves our well-being, which improves our outlook, which prepares us for all the great things we are expecting to happen to us. To become fit and healthy from a success standpoint, give your smile muscles a workout just like the rest of your body.

- Hold your success attitude in your body. Stand up straight, raise your chin up, keep your shoulders back and feet firmly planted. Feel the power of personal success in every cell in your body.

- Create a compelling success image in your mind. Once you expect your success, see it. Imagine it vividly and in colorwhat are you doing, where are you, what are you wearing, how does it feel like in your body? Make your success as real as possible in your mind, so your expectancy is even stronger and, as a result, your actions even bigger.

- Use an affirmation or set an intentions. State to yourself over and over what you intend to create today. State your intentions verbally, out loud to yourself; state them silently, in your mind; and record them on a cassette tape so that you can listen to yourself stating what you expect to create in your life.

- Beyond Affirming, Feel It. Do not stop at the mental part of expecting success. Also feel it in your body. You have felt the good feeling of connecting, achieving, realizing what you want.

- Be bold. Do all those things today that you know you will do when you are more successful. That is how you will create the success you strive for in your business and life.

You will never be more successful than you expect you can be. Greet every day with the belief that good things are going to happen to you. Expect to be successful with your calls, appointments and projects. Your work life will be enriched; you will take more risks, make more requests, and seize more opportunities. That will result in a better life, and that is what success is all about. I say that people who expect success not only think they are more successful, they actually are more successful. I urge you to vigorously and fully prove this theory in your own life.

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