Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Pearl as Perfect Gift to a Career Woman

The corporate world is a competitive field that not only scrutinizes a person's skills and capacities but also the way a person presents himself or herself as an active part of the economy. This is so much so with a career woman in large companies and business enterprises - dressing up properly can make or break a woman's success. If your wife or girlfriend is a career woman who wants to appear elegant and confident at work then pearls could probably be a perfect gift for her since pearls are considered the pinnacle of good taste and sophistication.

They say that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but for a career woman, pearls are their wise partners. Wearing garish jewelry such as large diamonds, dazzling gold, or blinding platinum is always considered a no-no in the corporate world because they are often thought as impractical is such a very practical setting. However, wearing no accessory may be considered to plain and boring for such a dynamic atmosphere. As such, a career woman is advised to wear pearl jewelry in the office instead. Pearls are not as flashy as those glittery stones that are only appropriate for the evening but are elegant enough to impose a commanding and sophisticated aura which is needed in the world of business.

Pearls are complex fruits of nature that result from oyster's subtle, yet effective defense mechanisms. When an irritant implants onto an oyster's sensitive flesh (whether accidentally as in natural pearls or intentionally as in cultured pearls) the mollusk secrets special coatings known as nacre to make the irritant more tolerable. The end product is a luscious and smooth gem that people refer to as a pearl. The very complex mechanism involved in producing pearls very well reflects the way in which career women works her way to the top of the corporate - subtle yet effective. Thus pearls can be the perfect gift for a career woman.

There are two general options when buying pearls: natural and cultured pearls. Natural pearls are those formed by nature through oysters in the ocean, without the help of humans. These pearls are deemed more valuable as they are quite rare and not readily available. Cultured pearls are those formed by oysters assisted by humans. These pearls undergo the same process as natural pearls but they are more abundant and more controlled. Both natural and cultured pearls are esteemed for their high value and both are thus appropriate as gifts for a career woman.

When buying pearls it is important to scrutinize its quality to ensure that good pearls are brought. To know that a pearl is authentic, you can rub it against your teeth or another pearl - if the pearl feels rough, it is real and if it is smooth, it is made of plastic. Apart from authenticity you have to watch out for other markers of quality for pearls such as shape, size, luster, color, and surface because a pearl may be real but not necessarily beautiful enough as a gift.

Here are important things to look for when buying pearls:

1. Nacre - this is what oysters and mollusks secrete to help them fight irritants. The nacre should be thick enough so that it does not easily peel or chip. Generally, the thicker the nacre, the more expensive the pearl.

2. Surface - the pearl surface should be very clean, having little or no blemishes in the outer layer. Pearls with good surfaces have mirror-like shimmer that makes them a perfect accessory for the career woman.

3. Size - generally, bigger pearls are more valuable than smaller ones. Pearls are measured according to their diameter in millimeters. Even as little as 1 millimeter can make a lot of difference in a pearl's value.

4. Color - most people think of pearls as having white or creamy color, but there are other pearl colors such as gray, champagne, aqua, green, black, or gold. When choosing pearl colors it is important to consider the wearer's personality and taste to make sure that it complements them.

5. Shape - perfectly round pearls are usually valued very much than those with oblate or irregular shapes. There are also pearls with novelty shapes such as crosses, Buddha, among many others.

Pearls can be the perfect gift to a career woman. It is elegant and valuable without being gaudy or showy - perfect for a woman who wants to present herself with sophistication and boldness in the corporate world.

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Wife, Mother, Professional Woman: The Real Multi-Tasking

I have always been impressed by women's ability to balance the many roles that they are expected to perform in modern society. I must confess, however, that although my experiences has broaden and my sophistication has peaked to new awareness, this phenomenon remains, for me, a social enigma. For this reason I have decided to examine some of the issues surrounding dual careers and how it relates to contemporary women.

The issues of involvement in multiple roles and multiples role strain have long been of interest to social scientists. In addition, these issues have always been central in discussions relating to women of increased labor force participation. For example, the media often features changing roles and alternative family styles, suggesting that fundamental changes in family dymanics are occurring. Most recently, this author had the opportunity to experience two media events of just this nature.

The first event was an article written by Anita Shreve entitled Career and the Lure of Motherhood, New York Times Magazine, November 21, 1982. In her article Ms. Shreve illustrates how many women in today's labor market must be able to juggle the roles of mother, wife and career-woman, and in many instances, that of a student. In essence, she is expected to be a superwoman. The sad part is that often these women are unhappy in their roles as part-time mother and part-time careerist. Too often, such a woman feels inadequate and unfulfilled in either role. These women are caught in what Ms. Shreve called the career-mothering dilemma. Successful career women often feel guilty about not meeting their family responsibilities. They worry, as they steal time for their family, that they are putting their careers in jeopardy. According to Ms. Shreve, these women feel that they are merely support player in the daily activities of their families. It is difficult to determine the toll such stress is having on this population of women; however, the cost to society may be high. Many of these women are employed in high-level positions, in private, as well as in the public sector, and they are a crucial member of today's nuclear family.

If the stress on this population becomes too great, both the nuclear family and the economic productivity of the nation could be seriously affected. Therefore, it is to everyone's benefit to resolve this double-bind. The main ingredient in reaching this goal is to recognize that career-women need understanding and a supportive partners as well as sympathetic employers.

The second event was a televised movie entitled Games Mother Never Taught You, aired November 27, 1982, 9:00 - 11:00 P.M., Ch. 2. In this movie, Ms. Loretta Swit played the leading role as a secretary promoted to a management position. She soon discovered that the stakes are for keeps in a corporate structure where the rules have been made by men. As it turned out, the one casuality of the game was her happy marrage to her husband, played by Mr. Sam Waterston, in the role as co-star. The message here is that women cannot have a successful career and a happy marrage simultaneously.

Contrary to the impression conveyed by the mass media, most American women expect to have a family, including children. At the same time, given the environment of an inflationary economy as well as the sense of autonomy and opportunity encouraged by the feminist movement, an increasing number of women will be combining parenthood with careers in the marketplace. However, to achieve their goal and make some kind of career commitment, many women are postponing parenthood.

While on the other hand, women who marry and immediately start their families are subsequently confronted by the issue of whether or when they should seek salaried employment. In both instances, whether their expectations of themselves are being enchanced by necessity or by choice, women are raising important questions about the sequence and timing of family and career. These questions challenge traditional conceptions of the substance and chronology of generativity as outlined by (Erik Erikson) in women's lives.

Just a few years ago, in mainstream America, a husband had career aspirations and his wife had housework. His strive for success in the corporate world while she stays at home to keep his personal (family) life in order, thereby facilitating his achievement. Occasionally, if she did work outside the home, it was usually on a temporary basis to meet a financial need, or to fill the void after the children were grown. The few women who actively pursued a career were considered selfish wives, inadequate mothers, and in some instances, disgrace to society. The professional woman who combines a professional career with family obligations is under a multiple role strain because she participates in two activity systems where the allocation of time and resources is a problem, and, also, because of the conflicting values that are always present ... her commitment to her career versus her responsibilities to her family. No clear guidelines are available for the individual career woman to follow. The ability to handle the role of wife, mother and career is still, for the most part, a matter of individual adaptation.

Additionally, the business world often presents its own unique pressures and problems. This is true primarily because the business world has not kept pace with the advent of the two career family and the life-styles they adopt to make their career and marriage work. In this society, one is expected to be single-minded and devote all the necessary time in pursuing a career. Many employers will not employ a person for less than full-time. However, if they do, they do not consider the person a full member of the organization. In addition, it is usually expected that the activities of other family members will be subordinated to those of the person pursuing a profession. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to have two fully-developed careers in the same family.

On the other hand, however, some five or ten years into their careers, couples tend to handle duel career conflicts differently. For example, when career needs conflict with family needs, many couples choose family goals over career goals. Experienced couples are more willing to examine alternatives and when necessary, accommodate their spouse. These couples are better able to plan and cope, and they are less reluctant to approach the company with their problems.

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Career Women More Prone to Divorcing Their Husband's: Can It Be True?

This can't be true! Or can it? According to Forbes magazine journalist, Michael Noer it is. He says that career women who make over $30,000 a year are more prone to divorcing their husbands because they are financially independent. This makes some sense. He also said that some of these career ladies might find someone at the office they like more than their husband's. The last reason I found extremely silly.

Anyone can find someone they like better when they do not value their marriage. A housewife might find someone she likes better at the community events she attends, or at her children's sports games, schools, grocery stores, and gym. A woman who suddenly finds someone she likes better than her husband is not committed to her marriage and that is what it all boils down to.

It is a fact of life that a career minded woman is not committed to her marriage! A career woman is committed to her career. So it would go without saying that the chances are much greater that she would undervalue her husband and the sanctity of her marriage more than a woman who has decided in her heart to stay home, raise and family and be home for her husband. Unfortunately, there are less of the latter in this country.

As we all know, a career woman will have a difficult time being there for her family, and pursuing her ambition at the same time. Someone is going to be left out, and it is usually the family. I don't advise a woman who is pursuing a career to get married. It's really that simple. Why get married if you aren't going to be married to your husband? And I do not advise a man to marry a career woman if he expects a traditional style home and family life, because it isn't going to happen.

Michael Noer was attempting to make a point but left out the root of the problem. The problem is what I constantly write about in my marriage books and articles. When couples are not devoted to the marriage in the first place, the marriage will most definitely fall on rocky times, whether the wife has a career or not.

The writer also says that career women are more likely to cheat! I think this was a cheap shot. I can actually understand why this writer got a lot of flack from the feminist movement and why Forbes magazine eventually had to apologize for Mr. Noer's article. Even if it were correct, he labeled the career woman in an unethical category, which we all know is not altogether true. Unfortunately people do not see the big picture for what it really is.

The big picture is we live in a Godless society. Career woman or not, it doesn't matter one smidgen. The title should have read: "Don't Marry a Godless Woman."
Come on folks, you know that America promotes godlessness, such as adultery, divorce, and promotion of women in the workforce, so what do you expect when people do not live by God's design and standards for marriage? People have simply made society's standards their belief for marriage and now they are complaining about it! The effect of what society does will come back and bite them on the tail every darn time and they still won't get it.

Mr. Noer forgot about all the desperate housewife's out there who cheat on their husbands? My goodness, are they not just as much to blame for the wreck of the family unit as the career woman? How would you really know? Could it be that the career woman is more likely to divorce because over half of all the women in America are career women? Or could it be that career women do not have time for God in their life because they are too busy pursuing their career? Yes to both.

I am all for the sanctity of marriage and family and you should be too. And that is precisely why we need to look at the big picture to understand the real reasons behind the high rate of divorce in this godless society. Putting the blame on the symptom will not make divorce go away. Listening to and applying sound wisdom and advice from above will actually mend this broken society if people would only apply its wisdom into their own marriage and life.

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness...What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?...For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people." Therefore come out from them and be separate," says the Lord.
2 Corinthians, 6:14-17

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Kick Start Your Nursing Career With a CNA Job

CNAs or Certified Nursing Assistants are in high demand in the healthcare industry. A nurse's aide has the responsibility of helping nurses with duties that they have around the workplace. Not only is it a great way to get into nursing, but it is also a great way for you to discover what area of specialization you want to study once you become a registered nurse. The fact that they are in high demand makes it easier for you to become a nursing assistant as there are many places that offer such courses, even for free. Nevertheless, there are courses online that you can easily start with, even the full time courses are not very expensive and are offered in various areas of the world.

You can apply as a part time nursing assistant's job also; it is great if you are also pursuing some other course towards becoming a fully fledged nurse. The functions of a nurse's assistant are wide and varied but do not deal with giving any form of medication to patients. Also apart from the more sensitive tasks of a patient's care, a CNA delivers on most functions like cleaning, moving and taking notes on most of the patient's comforts.

A nurse's assistant's job is also to keep an eye on the progress of a patient. As they do that they are also given the responsibilities of keeping time tables not just for the patients but also for the doctors and nurses. There are also a lot of things that a CNA has to look at when it comes to general paperwork that doctors and nurses need to handle. A close firsthand experience of most of the functions of a fully registered nurse and also the understanding of healthcare is a vita experience that CNAs get.

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Get Ahead If You Are a Women - Women's Career

It is easier to get ahead now in your career if you area woman. There was a time when women got paid less money for doing the same job as a man but that is starting to change. More and more mothers are going to the workplace to earn a living and they deserve to get paid the same as a man. Because you are seeing a lot of women in the workplace there are more opportunities available. You should always felt confident that whatever job you are doing there is opportunity for you to move up. It is important that you get recognized for doing a great job not only as a woman but as a person as well.

It can be hard to raise a family and have a full-time job if you're a woman. But luckily more and more companies are realizing that women add value to the workplace. There was a time when women were considered second-class to men and their pay also reflected this. It is great to see that there are more high precision jobs created for women than ever before.

Women have a lot to look forward to especially if they are wanting to advance in their career. There are more opportunities today than there have been ever. Now if you want to be a doctor, CEO or any other professional you can attain your goals. Long gone are the days when women could only be nurses were school teachers.

Remember the women can advance in the workplace and still have a family. Things have changed considerably from what they used to be for women in the workplace. It used to be that women only got a fraction of what a man got paid for doing the same job. There is a trend now that women are getting paid equally doing the same job as a man. You can also have high goals if you are a woman because the sky for you is the limit.

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Book Review - Nice Girls Don't Get The Corner Office - 101 Unconscious Mistakes Women Make

The corner office is a metaphor for success. Success to the entrepreneur, healthcare employee, or professional public speaker has little to do with the size and location of their office. The provocative title of this book by Lois P Frankel, PhD, Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office, describes how women sabotage their own career advancement with unconscious "girlish" behaviors. These mistakes are missteps that will sabotage the climb up the ladder, often blamed on the glass ceiling. The mistakes women make, as described in this book, are common and have the potential to jeopardize many women I encounter in my coaching business. It is important to note that the mistakes are not the strong female style leadership styles that are assets in the workforce.

The book describes 101 mistakes and offers coaching pointers to overcome each situation. The mistakes are divided into sections about how you: Play; Act; Think; Market; Look; Sound; Respond. The first chapter includes a useful self-assessment. The assessment makes you aware of the 'girlish' behaviors you have that threaten to sabotage your career. I do not know any woman in the business world, including me, who has not made at least a few of these mistakes. The author points out; a single mistake will not derail your career.

Adopting the recommended changes in your work behaviors and image that the coaching tips recommend, will help you communicate to the world 'businesswoman' instead of 'girl' and will identify you as someone ready for the corner office level of success and advancement wherever you work.

This book is particularly useful for women who work in male dominated professions, women who are struggling for respect among their peers or managers, women who speak and don't get 'heard' and all who want to have more influence to achieve success in their business endeavors. Read the book and follow the coaching tips if you are a woman who is serious about getting ahead in your career.

Jean Caton is a Career, Business, and Life Coach, Speaker, and Virtual Educator. She has over 20 years of business experience working in four Fortune 500 companies. Now, as an entrepreneur, Jean combines her practical experience in business, with her education and training, to coach, teach, inspire, and empower others.

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Women's Career Advancement - How You Can Truly Succeed

Modern women are ambitious and tough in all facets of their lives including careers, so when it comes to women and career advancement you'll find that many corporate females fail to advance in their career due to the fact that they simply don't trust their abilities and undervalue their worth. They seem to have no idea of how they can use their accomplishments and skills to their advantage. Corporate women practicing in the healthcare field who are quite ambitious and determined in advancing their careers to higher levels, need to create a strategy and plan to ensure that they achieve their aspirations. This will also help them beat competition by staying ahead of colleagues and peers. They have to make their boss acknowledge their unique contribution in terms of talent, strengths and overall worth in the healthcare industry. There are a number of ways for women careerists to advance their chances of success.

Many women fail to focus on their personal talents, strengths, skills, accomplishments, and individual worth in particular areas, they instead focus their energies trying to improve areas they feel need more attention. For a woman to advance her career and chances of success, she has to identify her strengths, unique talents, center her concentration there and play those positive strong points. Try to be a star in the office by seeking solutions to problems other than just pointing to problems and playing a blame game. Look after issues in the office that require to be addressed and find ways than your team and you can fix it out.

Good, factual and focused communication skills greatly assist women and chances of career advancement increase and also become realizable. Effective communication not only helps in career advancement chances but greatly assist in facing job interviews. Effective communication helps people develop powerful resumes and cover letters that speak volumes and this greatly increases their chances of getting a job. Superb communication skills will help you sell yourself effectively in the job interview, because of your clear, concise manner. Good communication skills need to be backed by other skills to increase a woman's career advancement potential. So, continues training is a plus factor here.

The dress code is also a thing that speaks volumes about a person. Therefore appropriate and professional dressing will probably increase a woman's career advancement success potential. Having a polished image could make a significant difference between the hiring firms overlooking you or giving you the job. Women need to dress professionally so as to give positive impressions in the workplace; this is a reality even if the company hiring you has a casual dress code. Ensure that your business wear represents the image you want portrayed. You will never go wrong with modest and decent business attires that present a corporate look. Who wants to appear overdressed or the opposite. Ensure that you go for quality attires when shopping for the workplace wardrobe, go for clothes that coordinate well and portrays a professional look. The feet too can't be ignored and your shoes ought to complement your outfit by all means, they just must be stylish but not fancy, you ain't a hooker REMEMBER. Go for something that wont hurt your feet, it has to be comfortable enough.

Career advancement and success for a woman means being punctual, committed, dependable and obedient to your superiors. Most firms will overlook you if you are a notorious latecomer and will never consider you for career advancement opportunities.

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Womens Fashion to Suit Your Body Type

Womens fashion has been important in all cultures through out history. The styles of clothes have changed and as each decade passes the silhouette or shape has evolved and altered. Hemlines have constantly adapted and so have trouser shapes, in fact until the fifties women very rarely wore trousers. Current womens fashion changes rapidly from season to season and year to year but there is also a huge variety of different styles in fashion at any time and in addition to classic styles which are timeless and never really go out of fashion. This huge selection of styles means that anyone, no matter her size or shape can find the perfect clothes that will look amazing as long as she knows what she is looking for.

The key to finding the clothes that will look amazing is to identify your body type and pick out the right style of clothes to suit and enhance your body shape. There are five main body shapes each with its own style of clothing that suit it best. Although this rather over simplifies things and in real life, it is not always possible to classify someone into these groups, it gives a general idea on which clothes to try.

Womens clothing for pear shapes

Pear shaped describes those whose hips are wider than the rest of their body. These are ladies who tend to put on weight around their hips and thighs and in proportion have smaller busts and slimmer waists.

Clothes that flatter and enhance a pear shape will generally be fitted at the waist and flare outwards from the waist to skim over the hips and thighs. A line skirts look great on those with a pear shape. Other tricks to flatter a pear shape include balancing out the hips with wide or detailed necklines or wide bottomed trousers. Pear shapes will look best with darker colours and little fuss and detail as possible on the bottom half.

Womens clothing for apple shapes

Apple shaped ladies tend to gain weight around their middles and are characterized by thicker waists, rounder tummies and comparatively slimmer arms and legs. They can make the most of their legs by wearing short skirts and their arms by wearing sleeveless tops. They should avoid drawing attention to the middle of their bodies by wearing anything tight fitting, belts or detail around this area. Empire line dresses and tops are especially flattering for apple shapes as the fabric falls from just under the bust and skims over the tummy area.

Womens clothes for hourglass shapes

The hourglass shape is characterized by feminine curves or a larger bust and hips with a slim waist. The key to dressing this shape is to celebrate the curves and cinch in with a belt to highlight a slim waist.

Well fitting and supportive underwear is a good basis for a flattering outfit for an hour glass shaped lady. Pencil skirts with fitted tops work well for those with an hourglass figure as do tops with v necks, square necks or wrap over styles. Avoid clothes that are too loose fitting or too clingy. Fitted or jersey clothes that skim over curves will look best.

Womens clothes for slim frames

Some ladies have very slim frames with little definition between the bust, waist and hips. There are plenty of different styles that this body shape can successfully wear but generally features that add shape will be the most flattering. Look for ruffles, peplums, details, draping and block colours to add volume and interest to outfits.

There are plenty of other clever tricks that you can employ to disguise or draw attention away from your least favourite parts of the body. You can also balance out larger areas of the body by wearing plain simple colours on it and clothes that make another part of the body look larger.

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Glass Ceiling Blues - What Successful Women Executives Won't Tell You During Their Exit Interview

By Steven Grant

The Customer Research Center (CRC) recently talked with two incredibly successful female professionals about the dirty little Fortune 500 secret that everyone knows about and no one talks about. One of these women, President of her own Internet consulting firm, is a living definition of smarts and tenacity; successfully shepherding her team through the Dot.Com crash and into custom website design efforts for high end brands. The other woman is just starting her own consulting firm; bailing out of a Fortune 500 with one client in tow to launch her own business. Our conversation focused on the large numbers of highly competent aspiring women executives, poised between one or two decades of grinding servitude and the upper echelon rewards bestowed on the top 1%, who are turning their pumps away from the golden ladder and taking the stairs out.

These cadres of highly skilled, highly intelligent next generation CEO's are walking away from the promise of rewards for the certitude of rewarding themselves. Their standard exit line to the puzzled companies who were just getting ready to tap them on the shoulder for that next promotion is: "I'd like to spend more time with my family." What these two career women clued us in to is that line is just a line, the real reason is too awful to reveal. Both of these successful, intelligent women knew that if they told the truth they would be stoned-no, scratch that, that interview was in Iran-they knew they could never go back to the company afterward, if they ever wanted their old jobs back.

The real reason these women are leaving is because the corporate ladder provides an escalator for the men and a greased pole for the women. Yes, Virginia, Santa Claus still thinks you should be baking gingerbread cookies, not running the $1.7 billion toy manufacturing facility in Guangdong.

There is a fundamental cultural distinction at the heart of this unfairness. Women believe in meritocracy, men believe in winning. When a project falls apart a woman is likely to say, "I wasn't a good enough leader." If a project succeeds a woman is likely to say, "I had a great team." We're hoping we don't need to spell out the logical inversion of those statements that would tumble from the tongues of men.

A male executive, hearing these statements from women, begins to think, "Maybe she isn't a good enough leader" or "Maybe the team is carrying her." The male executives, in similar circumstances, are naturally inclined to braggadocio, back slapping, feather preening, and urinating on their beards-no, no that was the article about pygmy goats-to focus attention on them and garner as much credit as possible for the minimum investment of their own energy. This is simple Darwinian logic copied over the millennia from the genes of our woolly ancestors.

In reality most firms are still hierarchical patriarchies, even when they're run by women, and far from the meritocracies for which these women originally forsook hearth and home in search of a career. Instead of saying, "I'd like to spend more time with my family." these women want to say, "I'm sick of all the incompetent jackasses getting the promotions because they kiss your behind. I could make better decisions in less time than it takes them to zip up their pants."

So someone has to tell these clueless guys the truth before they burn out the next generation of females. Wake up and make some coffee guys. There's a clear choice between the Tao of blissfully ignorant backslapping devolution and a whole new generation of career women who are going to skip the butt kissing part and go right for the kicking.

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