"hari gini ga bisa gaya?" jangan sampai kalimat itu ditujukan kepada anda, khususnya para wanita pekerja alias wanita karir.
Terkadang kerja kantoran memang menghukum kita untuk berpakaian formal. Kemeja, blazer, dan celana kerja kalau kondisi kantor anda tidak memungkinkan menggunakan pakaian wanita yang unik dan lucu, tidak jadi masalah.
Kemeja dan blazer tidak akan ketinggalan gaya jika dipadupadankan dengan aksesori yang trendi. Anda masih bisa bergaya dengan 'bermain' aksesori. Tas kerja, scarf yang unik dan sepatu, bisa menjadi pilihan.
Memilih tas kerja tidak semata melihat fungsinya saja. Tas kerja yang trendi bisa membuat anda lebih bergaya dan menambah percaya diri. Ada beragam model, corak dan warna tas kerja untuk melengkapi penampilan anda.
Ada beberapa hal yang wajib diperhatikan dalam memilih tas kerja, yakni ukuran dan model. Dulu model tas kerja kurang beragam, dan biasanya pilihan warna hanya hitam dan coklat.
Tapi sekarang ada banyak variasi. Pastikan ukuran dan model tas sesuai bentuk dan ukuran tubuh anda. Model persegi masih menjadi pilihan, karena secara fungsional bisa memuat banyak barang yang menunjang pekerjaan anda.
Agar tidak terkesan old fashion, pilihlah warna cerah. Tapi jika anda terpaksa memilih warna hitam atau coklat, pilihlah dengan model yang trendi dan funky.
Lengkapi penampilan pakaian wanita anda dengan scarf unik, warna yang di sesuaikan dengan warna tas dan sepatu. Kemeja, blazer dan celana bahan tidak terkesan kuno lagi dengan kahadiran tas, scarf dan sepatu yang trendi.
Jadi siapa bilang wanita karir nggak bisa gaya?
Rabu, 14 Juli 2010
Italian Women Given Secret of Happiness
Barred from top jobs by a sexist elite, belittled and patronised by the media, Italian women were offered solace yesterday by the equal opportunities minister's "10 commandments for happiness".
Frustrated at home? Unable to find a job? Stalled on the career ladder? Follow this advice and banish those blues, said Stefania Prestigiacomo.
First commandment: consider motherhood a value; it is the greatest, most important, special experience for a woman.
Two: follow your childhood dream, be it writing a book, landing on Mars, being a good mother or making your beloved happy.
Three: keep falling in love, with people, ideas, books, films, songs, sunsets, the gleam of jewels, whatever.
Four: buy something useless once in a while, something you like but do not need.
Five: take pride in your beauty in the world, different from all the others.
Published yesterday in a women's magazine, Donna Moderna, the list unleashed a minor political squall. Ms Prestigiacomo, 36, a recent mother and a member of Silvio Berlusconi's conservative Forza Italia party, was accused of reinforcing the stereotypes which marginalise women.
"I don't know whether to laugh or cry," said Gloria Buffo, a leftwing opposition deputy. "For a minister who is supposed to promote equality between men and women, it does not seem like a great result."
The list goes on:
Six: do not be upset if your man does not notice that you have been to the hairdresser. It is him who loses, not you.
Seven: do not be too envious of important people, such as government ministers, since they, too, often spend evenings just watching television.
Ms Prestigiacomo, once dubbed Miss Parliament for her striking Sicilian looks, and one of only two women in the cabinet, said her accusers could not distinguish between government policy and ironic answers to a magazine which solicited her advice on how to improve women's lives.
But Livia Turca, a minister in the previous government, was not appeased. "It is the list of a spoilt girl," she said. "The only thing missing is the cake of Marie Antoinette."
The minister's final three commandments:
Travel to broaden your mind; defend other women; smile.
© Guardian News & Media 2008
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Beauty Tips For Women Working Long Hours
If you are a married with kids, hardworking lady then you know you only got little time and energy to focus on looking sexy and applying that eye make up. So you have to wake up in the morning and transform to that professional looking female before you go to work. Here are some quick tips to refresh your look when there's little time left.
[ Beauty Tip ] Make those blemishes and dark spots disappear. Those dark circles under your eyes and those blemishes must be covered either with some cover up, make-up powder or concealer stick. It should take you about two minutes (2') to treat all problem areas on your face.
[ Beauty Tip ] Use of eye make-up. You can quickly apply mascara to your lashes to bring out your eyes in just one minute. If you have a few spare seconds you can also apply some eye shadow to further improve your look.
[ Beauty Tip ] Lip-gloss on your lips. Lip-gloss works wonders. Quickly apply some flavored lip gloss and stay assured that it will make the difference. You can always apply lipstick instead of lip-gloss or you can apply them both but generally lip-gloss can be applied quicker.
[ Beauty Tip ] Use of magic pins. Always have a few pins and clips handy. You could transform your hair and the way you look in 30 seconds, top. For example you could twist your hair up and pin it back.
[ Beauty Tip ] Hairspray and gel. Sometimes you need chemical intervention over your hair in order to avoid fly aways. Spray gels or hairsprays may become handy in such situations and can be applied in just seconds.
[ Beauty Tip ] Smell good. Use your favorite perfume or a body spray. Just a few sprays and you are finished in no time.
I know that when you are a hardworking woman who has a family to look after and husband to take care of, the last thing on your mind is make-up. But if you decide to go for all of the tips above then you only need 5-10 minutes. You could be looking fresh and sexy in no time. Good Luck!
Looking for more beauty tips? Take a look at this guide with beauty tips and insider secrets from top beauty professionals. You will learn how to look and feel better than ever. You see, beauty is not just an outer appearance. It is a complete harmony from within that can be felt and sensed by others from the way you present yourself.
By Maria Markella
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Returning to Work: What New Moms Need to Know about Hiring a Nanny
New moms who work outside of the home will likely find that during their pregnancy and maternity leave, they will need to begin looking into hiring a nanny for their return to the job. Nannies have several advantages over daycare, but the idea of hiring a nanny may also bring with it a great deal of anxiety and concern for the new mother. However, hiring a nanny does not need to be traumatic, and in fact can mean expanding one's family to include a loving caregiver for a new baby.
Common Fears
One of the most common fears a new mother is likely to have about nannies is that this person they have brought into their home will run away with the baby or will harm the baby in some way. This is simply not the case. While there have been notable high-profile cases in years past of problematic caregivers, the truth is that the overwhelming majority of nannies are kind, caring people who will treat their charges as if they were their own children.
Another fear that new mothers may have about nannies is that their children will grow more attached to the nanny than to the mother herself. While it is true that a nanny for the child of a mother who works full time may spend a great deal of time with the child, she will never take the place of the mother. In fact, it is a sign of a good nanny if the children come to care for her greatly - the alternative, a nanny that the children do not like at all, is hardly ideal.
The Hiring Process - Where to Begin
The best way to abate any fears such as these is to make sure that all nannies are carefully screened throughout the hiring process. Whether the new mom is going through a nanny agency, which will handle the screening for her, or is investigating nannies on her own, this step is critical. When hiring a nanny for a newborn, look for a candidate that has worked with newborns or infants in the past. Nannies with experience with older children may be acceptable candidates, but hiring a nanny with more specific experience with a baby can be helpful. Nannies with newborn experience also are more likely to come prepared with the endless calm and patience that is required to get through many hours with a baby.
Interviewing the Nannies
Once the pool of nannies has been narrowed down to a select few candidates, the parents of the child should interview each nanny multiple times. If possible, the parents should bring the newborn or baby to at least one interview to see how the nanny interacts with him or her. If the mom is still pregnant at the time of the interviews, this will of course not be possible. In such a case, checking references will be even more critical.
Checking Nanny References
Checking references of nannies is a step that many people may be tempted to skip because it can be time consuming. However, by checking a nanny's references, a new mom may feel more at ease about hiring the candidate. Bear in mind that a nanny's references will nearly always be other moms, so the new mom can feel comfortable asking questions and feeling out the answers mother to mother.
Before You Make the Final Decision
Finally, before hiring any nanny, you should make sure she has the proper legal documentation as required by Federal I-9 guidelines. You can also request that any nannies you are considering provide documentation of a negative TB test (or take a test if she hasn't done so already) as well as any other medical tests or immunizations recommended by your family doctor.
Once You Have Hired the Nanny
After the hiring process is complete and a nanny has been selected, the new mom can still take further precautions to protect herself and her child. One of the best things to do, if scheduling allows, is to have the nanny start before the mom goes back to work. Getting to know the nanny in this manner can do wonders for making the new mom feel at ease and can also help ease the transition for the baby.
Once the mom is back at work, she might want to stop by at home unannounced a few times in the first few weeks to see what is really going on. She will almost certainly be greeted by a happy nanny and baby, but she can also catch any problems before they worsen. For a more concerned mother, a nanny cam can be installed in the home (without telling the nanny) to catch any misbehavior.
Above all, it is important for the new mom to try to relax. This can be difficult, but the truth is that a relaxed mom will make both the children and the nanny feel relaxed, which can ensure a pleasant relationship between everyone.
Returning back to work can be difficult for a new mom as she will have to leave her child with someone else for the first time. However, by carefully searching through a pool of nannies to find the best candidate for her family - through interviews, reference checking, and other procedures - the mom can feel comfortable with the person she has chosen to watch her baby. Remember that most nannies are very honest and reputable and that a great nanny can become a loving member of your extended family.
About the Author
Steve Lampert is the president of eNanny Source, an online nanny agency that brings together families and nannies. Lampert previously ran a successful, award-winning nanny agency in a major city for over 10 years, during which time he worked with thousands of families and nanny candidates. Through this experience, he became familiar with the important steps in a nanny search, which he continues to apply to his business today.
By Steven Lampert
Indonesia Vacancy,
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Women in Business
Women have come a long way since the early 1900s. Staying at home and raising a family has become a preference or an option, as opposed to the norm. Female entrepreneurs are rising up everywhere. The question is, how hard is it for a woman to compete in the male dominated corporate playing field?
Many studies have shown that men not only occupy most positions that are higher paying, but even the women who hold the same positions tend to earn less than there male counterparts. Are stereotypes holding women in lesser positions?
Discrimination is the dirty truth that lies under the rug in just about any business. Everyone has there own personal preferences, comfort zone, and subliminal bias. No matter what your qualifications are, when you are being interviewed for a job, you are being judged. That can be good or bad, but the fact of the matter is, hiring is a highly subjective process.
Some people would just rather have a man handling things. Women are known for their ability to manage multiple responsibilities, hold impeccably accurate memories, and (unfortunately) being emotional. There are those in positions of power who might feel that a woman might not be able to think as logically as a man. Not to mention the risk of a woman leaving the company to take care of family.
Of course it is harder for women. It is because of this that there are programs made especially for women to give them assistance in pursuing their goals and dreams. With challenges the way they are, and the risks of downsizing and increased company outsourcing, the best idea is to go into business for your self. Here are some organizations that can help:
-Office of Women’s Business Ownership
-Association of Women’s Business Centers
-National Women’s Business Council
-National Foundation of Women Business Owners
There are tons more groups that offer grants and scholarships geared for women, and it would take days to list them all. The truth is, although women have a bit of an uphill battle in the corporate world, we don’t have to do it alone.
As much as we would all like to believe that everyone has a fair chance, the truth is that no, we don’t. Black, Asian, gay/lesbian, Hispanic, or female, or White, not everyone starts out in the same place. Women have to make difficult choices between family only, career only, or career and family. Women have to compete against men for higher positions in a male dominated society.
In this day and time, women have the perfect opportunity to go into business for themselves. There is plenty of help and support available out there. With the right training, information, and support, any determined women can do it.
Managing your own business might not be for everyone. Some women understand what it takes to compete for the jobs that are already out there, and are willing to fight for them. Better still, there are many women who find just as much fulfillment in nurturing a family full time. No matter what your goals are, there will always be challenges. Use the challenges as fuel to make you stronger, and go after what you want.
The important thing is that you are happy and proud of what you are doing. Use your resources, do your best, and be consistent. You will find that your life will be very rewarding.
By Chesley Maldonado
Indonesia Vacancy,
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Grants for Women Owned Businesses
Grants for Women
Grants, unlike loans, do not have to be repaid. Although the US Small Business Administration (SBA) provides loans to women entrepreneurs, it does not provide grants to start or expand a business. Federal grants are available to non-profit organizations and for non-commercial purposes. In addition to providing grants to non-profit organizations and educational institutions, grants are available to local and state governments for the purpose of aiding economic development. Some federal grants are available for the purpose of aiding community development and for conducting research in the field of health and medicine, science, technology and environment and for promoting arts, humanities and education. Some federal grants may expect the recipient to match contribution from the federal government. Private grants are available for women to help them start or expand their business. Hunting for private grants, that are provided by philanthropists, is a tough job. The following grant is only a federal grant that is available to women entrepreneurs:
Small Business Innovative Research Grants (SBIR): The Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982 resulted in the institution of Small Business Innovative Research Grants. Firms conducting research, for the greater good of society, have been encouraged to compete for this federal grant. The grant is awarded for the purpose of research and development in the following areas: environment, defense, health care and information management. In the year 1998, the first SBA Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). The grant was for a sum of $100,000. Every year SBIR requires ten federal agencies to reserve a portion of their R&D funds for the purpose of awarding Small Business Innovative Research Grants to deserving entities.
How to Find Grants for Women Owned Businesses
Approaching Women’s Business Centers (WBCs): The Office of Women’s Business Ownership (OWBO) has established Women’s Business Centers (WBCs) that provide management and technical assistance to women entrepreneurs who hail from economically or socially disadvantaged sections of the society. The WBCs provide comprehensive training and counseling in many languages to women in order to help them establish and expand their business. Women’s Business Centers may be able to provide information on private grants.
Searching Online: The Internet has opened up a world of possibilities. Searching online may be the easiest and the cheapest way of locating available private grants. However, the authenticity of the available information should be verified.
Approaching a Non-Profit Organization: Federal government provides grants to non-profit organizations. Some of these non-profit organizations may provide grants to women entrepreneurs so that they can start or manage their business. In case they do not provide financial assistance, they can still indoctrinate women into the ways of accessing capital by providing them the necessary training and counseling. The purpose of training is to ensure that businesswomen have a level playing field. Non-profit organizations will definitely be able to help women access private grants that are available for the purpose of starting a business or expanding an existing business.
Locating private grants for women owned businesses is only a part of the job. Women need to prepare a detailed business plan and should have the ability to convince the philanthropic society to award them the grant.
By Aparna Iyer
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