Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

A Stay at Home Mom can also be a Work at Home Mom

A stay at home mom is performing a job that is the most unique. Your children are best brought up by yourself. If you are with them in the most crucial years of their growth, you have done your duty in the best possible way. This is because you know this job best. Moreover, you are sure that you are home because of the kids and you also are grateful that you can afford to.

However, not all stay at home moms will be in a position to think that they can afford not to work. You might need to bring home more money, the reason being the universal economic slowdown, and resultant need to have an extra source of money. In today’s situation when banks are facing lock downs, foreclosure of deals of homeowners, even retails failing, and big guns in car making facing bankruptcy plus unemployment crossing all limits, having a job is a bliss.

Will being a stay at home mom change her decision and decide to have a job to earn that extra money? Can she juggle both? That is, can she afford to stay at home and still work to earn some bucks?

The good thing is that the answer to this last question is a "YES". Many staying home mothers are also working from home. They are exploiting many opportunities that can help them earn money. The internet is a storehouse of such opportunities with many websites, forums dedicated to these opportunities. You can be a work at home mom.

There are wonderful ideas and tips that help you to work from home. The situation is, however, not as rosy as it seems because there are people on the prowl to ensnare those wanting to make an extra buck. Scams are galore on the net, therefore remember one golden rule. Do not make any payment or initial investment if you are asked to pay up to get a job from the internet. Legitimate websites would never ask you to pay before they can consider you for work.

It is for you to decide and choose what kind of job or business you want to get into. Do your research about this before you take the plunge. You should know what kind of home based businesses and jobs are currently in and what it takes to start.

One method is to get into online sales which have been doing good business and will hopefully continue to. Different sites like eBay, Amazon, and other popular sites are helping sellers and buyers to connect for transactions of their wares. You can be a part of such enterprises by playing the role of a broker, or a supplier-as the case might be. You can make a hobby or craft bring money for you. You can sell your wares online. You can sell your cookies, cakes; hand crafted utility items or art pieces.

Good websites will even guide you about the cost of your wares, and will also give you newer ideas to make more unique products. You name and you can sell it, this is the world of internet that makes earning possible for mothers that choose to stay home.

If you are not the one who can make crafted items, you might be the one who would like to put her skills in writing, transcription, billing, proofreading, editing, customer service, data entry, telecommuting and other such jobs.

By choosing to stay at home, it is not that you are shutting yourself to the outer world or to the opportunity to earn a living, you are actually giving yourself the opportunity to enjoy your kids as well as to make extra money.

By Jason Bobich

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Ten Home Business Tips for Stay at Home Moms

Every day you see new businesses coming to life. You also see a lot of businesses close down. If you study one of these closing businesses carefully, you will notice there is something wrong with its business strategy. Fundamentally, the problem is not with the business idea or with the products, but usually with the people running the business or with their philosophy. To have a persistent successful home business, you need lot of knowledge, some courage and a few other personal qualities.

Hard work

Don’t they say, "Success is 99% of hard work and 1% of luck"? Most of the business giants did not emerge within a single day. Think about getting your business into fortune 500 companies. Comparing your business with another is a good technique to estimate your accomplishment.

Discuss your ideas

You may have a brilliant idea within you about your business. Some books written on this subject oppose discussing your business ideas with others to avoid you losing your intellectual property rights. Remember the 1980 s computer people IBM? IBM continued to go with those bulky super computers allowing Microsoft to rise from the dust in to the PC software market. They did not recognize the change. You always have to change your business traditions to fit the requirements of the modern world.

Plan and evaluate

Planning is the most essential part in a home business. If you plan, you will not end up without options. You should have both short and long-term plans on your business. Having your own little business plan will also guide you to your priorities.

Risk assessing

Every time you have to identify the risks of the business. The risks may be unique to the business you are doing. For instance, assume that you are doing a cut flower business. You know water is a critical factor to your business and you cannot exist without it. If you ignore the critical facts, you have less chance of survival.

Trust your instincts about the business. You have the right to make decisions on your business. The business success always depends on smart decisions and making them at the correct moment. At the beginning of your home business, you cannot think about large profits. Moreover, nobody will expect super customer facilities from a home based business.

Better methods will improve the businesses operational qualities. Improving the quality of your business enables you to do some marketing and boost the influence you can have on the market. There are thousands of web resources available on this topic and if it is affordable, you can refer to a good business consultant.

BizyMoms has been dedicated to helping moms work at home for over 10 years. Visit today to enjoy free resources which include, interactive message boards, informative articles, career kits and of course help and advice from the Bizymoms’ Home Business Support Team!

By Susan Hutson

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Work From Home Internet Marketing Jobs for Moms

Not every mom enjoys being locked out of the workforce because she chooses to stay home and raise her children. One possible solution would be if mom became an internet marketer. It might sound a little bizarre at first. If you investigate it though, you will find that internet marketing is a pretty good fit for most women who really want to work from home.

There are a lot of mothers out there who are really just trying to find some type of employment that would fit into their crazy schedule. When you are in a situation in life where you are stuck at home for one reason or other, it is nearly impossible to find something that fits your skill set as well as the times you have available to do it.

That is why internet marketing is an ideal fit. Internet marketing offers an incredibly flexible schedule. There are no set hours. You can take days off if need be. You act as your own boss. You just have to be able to motivate yourself to actually do some work. After all, the work is what eventually gets you paid. The more work you do, the more money you get paid.

There are numerous different forms of internet marketing jobs. The most common ones involve building websites that sell products or advertising for a specific type of person or specific industry. There is very little if any contact with customers. You basically just do your work and wait to get paid for it. That might make it sound like it is ridiculously simple though. In reality it’s not.

You need to possess good communication skills to be really good at it. I have seen exceptions to this rule, but only one comes to mind. In most cases you have to be able to read and write fluent English. In most cases there is a lot of writing involved also. So it helps if you can type. If you don’t like to write then it is probably not the best way to make money.

When it comes to working from home though, internet marketing has its benefits. You can show up to work in your underwear and nobody ever knows. You don’t have to do your hair or put on any makeup. Pajamas will do just fine. How many jobs can you say that about?

It is not all fun and games though. There really is some hard work involved. For you to be really successful and make it worth your while you will have to apply yourself. You will need to do a lot of reading and be willing to learn how to do things with your computer. You will get a new perspective on the internet and how people use it in various ways. It is a very eye opening experience. I strongly encourage the more ambitious women out there who might read this article to do a little more investigation into the internet marketing world on their own.

You might just find that it is the absolute perfect opportunity that you have been looking for. You will find it hard to come up with reasons not to give it a try.

By John Handlebrik

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3 Amazing Home Business Opportunities Regarding Stay in At Home Mums

Free lance re-writing. The actual demand for composed work is huge these days, precisely what with the advent of the internet. Building as well as sustaining websites have come to be quite lucrative, thanks to pay per click systems just like Google Ad-Sense and Ad Brite.

However, previous to these kinds of websites can easily gain substantial income, these sites need to first host high quality matters. In addition, the sites must fill in their content on a usual basis.

This has led to an intense petition for essayissts. Additionally, numerous web-based entrepreneurs are searching for essayissts that could possibly make engaging along with influential sales copies that could win over a lot visitors in to patrons. In case you have talent in copy writing material, anyone can easily accept major ticket ventures with regard to big time earnings.

Information encoding. Of almost all the enterprise opportunities for stay at home moms, records encoding is most probably the most basic. However, it's at the same time the most time-consuming. People will have to convert physical works straight into electronic digital set-ups.

A person could be asked to write out fictional works, finance statements, survey analyses, outlines as well as the likes, plus a person might have got to convert them word for word. Majority state that of almost all the commercial opportunities for stay at home moms, this kind is usually the most mind-numbing. Still the pay concerned is adequate to incorporate this specific selection within our own checklist.

As the electronic assistant. This is certainly, undeniably, the most satisfying of all the options in this writing. To be a electronic digital assistant is like being a secretary, albeit, doing ones tasks through the particular comforts associated with your own home.

With progressions in transmission machinery nowadays, remote clerical positions have turned out to be quite famous occupation possibilities. Your particular work will depend on the type of your manager's business, certainly, but in all instances, you will perform as an expansion of your manager's persona.

Prior to deciding to go anywhere finally visit millionaire business for tips to superb shopping tips. Get more information at the top international business ideas web-site.

By Peters Pensten

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Small business advice: finding start up financing for a woman or minority

Finding start up financing can be a challenge, but if you are a woman or a minority, there are organizations created specifically to aid you in your endeavor. However, in order that your financing attempt is as successful as possible, before you begin the financial search, you should be able to answer the following questions:

1) What is the purpose/mission of your business?

2) What qualifies you to start and run this business?

3) Have you had training in this field?

4) Do you know your target audience?

5) Who is your competition and what do you have that they don't?

6) How will you price your products and/or services?

7) How long will it take you to break even?

These questions should all be easily answerable if you've done your homework. That homework would be in the form of a Business Plan. A business plan is a formalized version of your business idea. It operates for your business, the same way a resume represents your achievements to date, and the only difference is that your business plan is a forecast of your company's accomplishments. Said plan details your ideas, goals, market research, the amount of funds needed, and an estimated time frame of repayment of any loans obtained.

The purpose of a business plan is to help accurately define the goals and purpose of the business and how they are going to be accomplished. This plan helps to foolproof your business by planning for unforeseen circumstances. It is also a necessity when applying for a loan from a bank, investor or lender. A consultation with experts in the same field is recommended before submitting.

The following is a list of financing options:

Personal Savings:

Use of personal savings is an option that offers little or no risk. It encourages the idea of careful spending. It also shows the business in a good light if/when additional financing is needed.

Credit Cards:

A personal credit card is another viable method of financing. It is a good way to keep track of business expenses. To avoid accounting complications, it is recommended that the card used be designated solely for business purposes.

Family and/or Friends:

Another untapped resource is family and/or friends. Make a formal presentation utilizing the above-mentioned business plan. Discuss repayment terms and be prepared to put it in writing. Depending upon the formation of the business, the loan could be deemed as stock purchased.


A grant is money designated by an individual or organization to finance an endeavor. A grant need not be repaid. However, your endeavor needs to fit the stipulations of the grantor, one of which includes the business being a non-profit organization. The best way to find a fit is to visit a university or large reference library where you can obtain access to a directory of foundations. With this tool, you can research the mission, their interest, and grant application guidelines.

Micro Loans

A micro loan is a loan of anywhere from $500 to $25,000. Your business might qualify for a micro-loan. Micro loan programs offer up to $25,000 to small businesses with little or no capital. Repayment terms run the gamut of three months to three years. Check the economic development department for your city for the latest information.

Before contemplating a loan, it is important to ensure that your financial history is in order. To do so, obtain a copy of your credit report. If the report shows any late payments within a three-month period, it is recommended that you wait until you have at least a six-month period with no late payments listed.

The above information is just a brief synopsis of financing options available for businesses owned by women or minorities. For in-depth details, the following list is a suggested starting point for further research in your funding endeavors:

- Your local reference library for foundation directory information.

- Small Business Administration (SBA), an independent agency of the United States government established by Congress in 1953. Its function is to assist small businesses to obtain financing and learn proper business management. Consult your phone book for local listing. They may also be found online.

- Service Corps Of Retired Executives (SCORE) is a nonprofit association that supplies FREE, confidential business advice/mentorship to entrepreneurs nationwide. The association offers workshops at little or no cost via chapter offices. Counselors consist of current and/or retired entrepreneurs and executives who volunteer their services via phone, email or face-to-face. SCORE works closely with the SBA. They may be found online.

- Count Me In

Count Me In for Women's Economic Independence is a fairly new entity that makes small business loans and provides scholarships for training to women. They may be found online.

- Digital Women- Women with Their Modems Running

Specifically geared towards women in business or women about to start a business. They may be found online.

- Diversity 2000

This website sports a free database of Minority and Women Business Enterprises (M/WBE's) and contact information for Fortune 1000 companies. Upon formation of your company, registration as a supplier is free of charge. They may be found online.

- Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA)

A part of the U.S. Commerce department, this Federal agency is specifically geared to assist in the formation; development and expansion of U.S. based minority-owned businesses. They assist with business plans on an individual basis, marketing as well as financial planning. They can be found online.

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Free money: how to find grants for women entrepreneurs

More women than ever before are currently employed in today's work force. Many are building professional careers by working for major corporations, while others are employed in the non-profit sector, and still others have started their own business. Some even work from home.

Since men have been active in the workplace much longer than most women, they have more inside knowledge about funding opportunities. Women have less experience in pursuing grant applications. Here are some tips to help women find financial support of professional goals.

1. Join local or national women's professional organizations. Many of these offer grant support to a wide range of projects and applicants. Other organizations help women locate funding agencies in their local areas, or connect applicants to federal government grant offices. Look in the yellow pages or do an online search for “professional women’s organizations” or “women’s networking groups.”

2. Check with the benefits office of your current employer. The company may sponsor in-house grants or purchasing opportunities for special equipment, supplies, or services that may help you do a better job. Be prepared to provide a written rationale about how the needed item can enhance productivity and serve the company's interests.

3. Consult with your community's small business administration agency. Sometimes these are sponsored by a community college's department of business and management studies, or there may be an organization of retired business professionals that provide free or reduced-fee consultation on a plethora of topics, including grant opportunities. Look in the yellow pages or ask a mentor about how to locate such agencies.

4. Join the chamber of commerce or participate in occasional business “mixer” events. You may meet area professionals who have experience in grant applications or who may know of others who do. Occasionally civic groups sponsor grant opportunities or funding for projects, so check with offices like the Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary, etc., so getting acquainted may put you in touch with people who can help.

5. Contact national or international corporations about support grants for female entrepreneurs. Top-notch computer companies sometimes sponsor competitions, contests, grants, or project assistance by awarding computer equipment or software. Office supply companies sometimes do this, too, so don't hesitate to ask stores where you shop for work-related supplies. Local companies enjoy sponsoring area professionals, too, so make a few phone calls to see if grants are available for female entrepreneurs.

6. Do an online search for grants and foundation agencies. Hundreds of these accept applications each year from competitors for sizable grants and awards. Read and follow guidelines to be sure you are eligible to apply. Some favor women and minorities.

7. Pool efforts with a female colleague to collaborate on a grant proposal that will benefit both of you while reducing effort by half. Combining know-how can double your chances of success, since some agencies prefer making awards to projects that will advance the interests of more than one person.

There are millions of dollars in grant monies available to energetic applicants. Many agencies eagerly favor women who are looking for grant support to build a career or a business. Organize your project information and company history to begin developing your application today.

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