Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

Love Relationships at Work

Bips was a young, vivacious woman with lots of dreams and career goals. She had recently joined a multi-national company at an entry-level position and was really excited about her new job. She had a great workplace, supportive colleagues and a boss (John) who always encouraged her and appreciated her work. Bips secretly had the hots for her boss, but she didn't dare speak to anyone about it, lest her boss found out. Little did she know that John hadn't been able to take his eyes off her ever since she'd first stepped into the office. Well, such things rarely remain a secret for too long, and soon, both of them had begun seeing each other. As the days passed, Bips realized that she was beginning to fall in love with John. One night however, she noticed a picture of another woman in his wallet. It turned out that the other woman was John's wife. She questioned him about it and he looked the other way. It dawned on her. Things began to get ugly between them. Soon, word spread among the other co-workers. When the news reached the ears of the company's CEO, he called them both to his cabin. Twenty minutes later, both were seen clearing their respective desks and drawers.

The above story was one possible scenario regarding the outcome of love relationships at work. However, that does not mean that anyone and everyone who falls in love with someone from their workplace will suffer the same fate. No Sir, that is definitely not what I am suggesting. What I am suggesting, is that the concept of love relationships at work or office is something that is extremely tricky, and one which needs to be given careful thought.

How Safe Are Love Relationships at Work?
Basically, when it comes to office or workplace romance, there are 2 main possibilities:

* A genuine love relationship between two co-workers.
* A casual fling or affair between two co-workers.

At the same time, there is another very important factor to consider - whether or not one of the co-workers is single. If you have a scenario wherein one of them is single, but the other is a married person having an extramarital affair, then this is nothing but a recipe for professional disaster. This kind of relationship will only invite trouble, regardless of whether the concerned twosome are genuinely in love with one another, or are having a casual affair. Such relationships are frowned upon at most professional workplaces and the final outcome is never too pleasing for the two people involved. You will only end up ruining your professional reputation, spoiling your professional resume and hindering your career ambitions.

If however, it happens that both the concerned people are single and are genuinely in love with one another, then the situation is completely different. This type of relationship can, or may, have a positive outcome. Consider a situation wherein you (single) are in a serious love relationship with someone else (also single) from your office. Now if that person happens to be working in a different department, then things shouldn't be a problem. If you both are serious about each other, and if you both feel that your relationship can grow in the future, or can go ahead in a positive direction, then it's no one else's business. This is a perfectly acceptable situation and one against which nobody should have a problem.

However, if you have a situation wherein you (single) happen to be in a serious love relationship with someone else (also single) who is either your superior, subordinate, or someone from your department whom you regularly work with, then this situation could lead to a few complications. However, these complications can be dealt with. If you are in a genuine love relationship with either your superior or subordinate, and both of you see a positive future for your relationship, then you can consider speaking to someone from the higher management in order to try and get yourself transfered to a different department. That will solve the problem of awkwardness which otherwise would have existed, should either of you land up in a position where one has to report to the other.

Well, this was a little bit of relationship advice regarding the sensibility of entering into love relationships at work. Remember, a love relationship at the workplace always manages to raise a few eyebrows. But if you both are genuine about it and you ensure that you follow certain workplace ethics, then there's no reason why it shouldn't work.

By Tintin

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Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Women Working Globally

The representation of business women in the global market today is rapidly increasing and working in foreign countries offers enormous business potential for women. This does not come however, without its difficulties particularly where women are concerned.

It is a misconception that women in business are not equipped to undertake work in foreign countries and that the global market is best overseen by men. This is an issue however, which is now changing across the globe and it is becoming more acceptable and familiar to see women undertaking business in the global market. Some of the misconception has also been centered around the fact that women have not been offered posts abroad as they may not be accepted to undertake business in other countries in the global market.

Business dealings in the global market are always going to pose some hurdles in respect of local culture, customs, wariness and acceptance and there is no evidence that women have a more difficult time than men where the business dealings are concerned.

Customs vary from one country to another and the attitude to women may differ from our own, but this does not preclude women from the global business market. It is also important for women undertaking business in the global arena, not to mistake a particular attitude of a male counterpart for gender bias, which may be nothing more than cultural attitude.

In some cultures it is perfectly accepted for people to stand close to one another and this may be thought too familiar on the part of a woman conducting business with a male.

As the global business market increases and women’s role in it more literature and training information targeted towards the women in the global arena. The two rules therefore are: a) do not dismiss women from working in the global market. b) Intercultural training is a must.
Translation Service London
London based interpreting agency.
By Neil Payne

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How To Use Forums To Promote Your Online Home Business

There are numerous forums on the internet and it is important to spend time searching for the more highly respected ones, which are well managed with good moderators who maintain the standard of the forum by strictly enforcing the rules.

In these forums you will find members share a common goal to make money on the Internet. As you start participating regularly in the forum, you will find yourself learning faster and earning more, guaranteed. Top forums are the stomping ground for the best online home business owners on the planet as well as the training ground for thousands of up and coming Internet marketers. They are a place to share ideas, find answers, make friends and develop partnerships. The top forums are an organic, always growing, support resource for your entire online home business. The only way to benefit from these forums is to experience them yourself.

Prior to actually joining a forum, spend sometime just browsing the forum and reading some posts to see that it actually suits your needs and that you feel comfortable in the environment. On joining a forum it is vital that you read the rules as you will find they do vary from forum to forum. Be sure to fill out your profile and most important be sure to complete the signature section, which will allow you to put the website details of your online home business, which will lead to back links, as postings get indexed by the search engines. The forum rules will dictate how many characters or lines or urls you can add.

Once you have joined a forum look for the category that invites you to introduce yourself and take advantage of this. Remember, you are not there to advertise your online home business, your signature will do that for you, simply tell the forum where you are from and a little about yourself. Then I would suggest that you read through some of the posts, get involved in some of the discussions and see if you can offer advice or help to some of the questions raised. Your main function in a forum is to contribute positively and constructively. You will find that by reading posts you will also learn so much as you will find advice and answers from the top gurus that you can use to promote your online home business. As you become more familiar with the surroundings you can then start new threads with questions of your own.

You can increase your presence on the internet very quickly by actively participating in a few forums and constructively posting 3 to 5 times a day in each forum. Spend time in the forums every day just browsing, reading through topics and responding to posts as desired.

Some forums have categories where you can submit your articles, do not ignore this if you have articles to submit because other members may select them to send to their lists. Also fellow members could be e-zine owners and they might just pick your article up for their newsletter. You may also find a category dedicated to discussion on all topics related to self-improvement. This most certainly fits into a money-making forum because power, energy and creativity translates into being able to make more money.

You may also find categories dedicated to joint ventures, free e-books, reciprocal links, special offers as well as off-topic forums where you can discuss anything.

The more you get involved, the more you will learn and the more you learn and apply, the more you will earn from your online home business!

By Cynthia Minnaar

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WAHM'S, Start Your Blogging For Profit Not Just Pleasure?

When you are blogging for profit, you’ll want to pay close attention to how you present yourself in your blog. There are literally hundreds of thousands of blogs out there, and there may be several hundred blogs that are related to your topic. If your readers can’t understand your blog and have trouble reading it, they’ll just move on to the next one. The following tips can make your blog more user-friendly and help you gain consistent readers.

First, pay close attention to the format of your blog. Readers want to understand how your blog works right from the start. Most blogging platforms have similar formats, with links and tags on the left or right margin, and the most recent post on top. Make sure to use the links wisely. Only put links up for blogs or content that is truly related to your blog’s topic. The point is to give your readers additional information on your topic. Keep the list short and sweet. There is no reason to overwhelm them with links to other sites.

Also, take careful consideration when choosing your blog’s background and font color. Although there are a lot of color choices that blogging programs offer, its best to stick with a light background and dark text. Studies have shown that the human brain can process this type of format better than light text on a dark background. Think about this before you commit to a black background and white text. It might look striking, but readers might not want to stay there for long. Also, use a solid background color instead of trying to use a pattern or design.

Proofread your entries before you post them to your blog. There is nothing that reduces your authority in the eyes of your readers’ more than bad spelling and grammar. The online world is a world of text, so take some time to learn commonly misspelled words and grammatical errors.

Keep your blog fresh and interesting by posting at least once per day. With so much information available on the Internet, your readers may go elsewhere if you aren’t supplying daily content. If you aren’t sure what to write about, try posting a poll, a link to another blog, comment on a news story or post of list of helpful tips. Not every post has to be long and complicated, but you do need to post something everyday.

These tips will help keep your blog readable and interesting to your visitors. The more visitors you get, the more your blog will grow in profitability and importance. Just make sure to present yourself in a professional way and keep your readers coming back for more new content each day. In no time, you’ll have a profitable blog and then you can move on to create two or three.

Here's to your being a "Work At Home Mom" success

By John Elliott

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How Work-At-Home Moms Can Build a Web Business

How Work-At-Home Moms Can Build a Web Business

If you’re a mom that wants to stay involved with her kids, but also wants to contribute to the family in a financial manner, you might want to look at your computer a little more closely.

There are more moms logging onto the Internet than ever, but what does that mean for you? On the Internet, there are millions of websites that are making a profit while the business owners remain in the comfort of their own home. This can be you!

Just because you’re a mom that doesn’t work outside of the home doesn’t mean that you can’t use the time that you do have to create a successful business.

You probably already have the background in business management and other skills from your previous employment experience, and even if you don’t, you can learn them. By working from home, you will still be able to spend that quality time with your children and that is the number one priority as well as perk.

The first thing that you will want to do is come up with an idea for a web business. Just as with any business, you’ll want to determine what the current market needs. Maybe you’ve noticed on message boards from other stay at home moms that they are frustrated with not being able to shop with their children in tow.

Or maybe you’ve noticed that moms would rather order household goods online instead of heading to crowded parking lots and aisles. These are needs that you can address as the main purpose of your business.

Take the time to brainstorm about the various things that you could do for future customers as well as what interests you. If you like health and beauty products, perhaps those can be the main focus of your business. Are you a fitness nut? Consider a web business all about fitness.

Write down as many ideas as you can and start to choose the ones that excite you the most. Also consider which ideas fulfill a need in the market. To make that choice, you’ll want to investigate similar businesses on the Internet to see where they might not be meeting a customers needs – prices, service, etc. – and where you might be able to differentiate yourself.

Next, you’ll need to come up with a way to handle the products that you are selling. This might involve looking for a wholesaler or other manufacturer, as well as looking for a way to distribute these products to your customers once they’re ordered.

The easiest and most cost-effective way to start and run your business is to reach your customers over the Internet. This will require a professional website that can handle large numbers of customers as well as be secure with client information as well as financial details.

You will want to optimize your website with keywords and links so that your site becomes the first one that pops up when a prospective customer wants the items that you are selling. If your website isn’t being seen by your customers, you won’t be able to make the profits that you could be making.

I recommend making this process as easy as possible. Find an all-in-one solution for hosting, search engine submission and optimization and marketing. Be wary of claims that state you can earn thousands of dollars with a $10 website. I recommend and use a company that handles all of the business building aspects – including a step-by-step guide to build and market your business without knowing any technical details. Grab your free work-at-home online business guide below.

Starting and building an online business takes patience and time in the beginning. Once you have your website in place you might find that you can exceed all expectations. Start your business with the correct tools and you’ll be soaring in no time.

By Lynn VanDyke

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Obtaining Success as A Work at Home Mom

I used to think that "work from home" internet opportunities were all a scam. I had heard of some that really were and plus it just sounded too good to be true. I went to college and graduate school, and got a great job in the workforce like most of the other people I knew....then I had children. At first I stayed home with my daughter, but pretty soon we needed money, so I began searching for a part-time job. I searched through hundreds of newspaper ads, websites, etc. Finally I found a decent job working about 15 hours a week. The pay was decent, it was the hours I wanted, it all sounded good...then reality began to set in. My first task was to find a babysitter. No problem I thought, there are tons of great daycares around my house. Wrong! There may have been plenty, but almost every single one of them was full. I finally managed to find one that would take my daughter, but only if she was walking eating table foods, and off the bottle....and it would cost $145 for three days a week!? Although I was making almost three times minimum wage, I ended up profiting about $25 a week after I paid the daycare and for the gas in my van! Not only that, but I was constantly stressed out trying to keep the house clean, work, get everything packed and ready for the next day, etc. At that point I was willing to try anything...even "work form home" internet opportunities.

When I first sat down and began researching all of the different opportunities, I felt completely overwhelmed. There seemed to be thousands and thousands of opportunities, all of them claiming that THEY were the best way to make money online. I didn't even know where to start. As I began sorting through them, I came to the conclusion that they could be broken down into several categories: Envelope stuffing, assembly or craft work, chain letters, medical billing, affiliate programs, sales (ebay, etc.), and online investing. While there can be scams in any of these categories, there can also be success. The key is to find something that you are interested in and are good at, find jobs in that area, and research them thoroughly before you jump right in. If you are able to find your niche, your income potential is limitless. I have been working from home for over a year now, and it was the best decision I ever made. I play with my kids most of the day and work when they are taking their naps or in bed for the night. Our whole family is happier and less stressed and I am doing so well that we are looking to buy a bigger house!

By Heather Hain

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ABCs for the Work at Home Mom – Part 1

Work-at-home moms face many different challenges. From learning to accept help when needed, to building confidence in ourselves, to remembering the reasons why we chose to work from home. Below is the first in a series of tips to help work-at-home moms in the simplest of ways – the ABC’s.

A = Adjustments. A work at home mom must expect the unexpected. She must be prepared to adjust her schedule at any given moment for any number of reasons - a sick child, a backed up drain, or an upset client. A mom who learns to welcome these moments as a chance to show love to her family and concern for her clients will be ahead of the game in the end. Approach these "interruptions" with a great attitude and see what a difference it makes.

B = Better. Works at Home Moms have to be on top of their game. To run a business as well as manage a household takes determination and scheduling. You may not feel like you have a schedule, but take a look at your day/week and see how you are spending your time. Next, think about what you can do better, what you can delegate and what would be better off removed from your schedule to allow you to spend your time in a better manner.

C = Confidence. You wouldn't be a work at home mom without it. Take time to celebrate each success no matter how minute it may seem. Each success will help grow your confidence and turn you into a savvier businesswoman.

D = Dry - Don't let things dry up. Keep content fresh, offer new products and services whenever possible. This will keep you motivated and keep customer returning.

E = Effort - Don't kid yourself. It takes a TON of effort to make a home-based business successful. Don't give up with thing get rough. Keep plugging away - it will pay off

F = Feisty - Every work at home mom has to be at least a tad bit feisty. :) Stand up for your business when need be - don't be afraid to say no when necessary.

G = Generosity - When I fist began my business I sought advice from many successful work-at-home moms. One of the best pieces of advice I received was that what I gave to others would come back tenfold. I've found that to be very true. Helping others is as much a blessing to me as it is to others.

H = Help - There will come a time that you’ll need help. You must be willing to accept it, to allow others to do for you what you cannot. In turn, try to be a help to other when they are in need.

I = If - If you don’t do it, who will? Mothering is such an important role that gets overlooked so often these days. Always remember that being there for your children is the BEST gift you can ever give them.

J = "Just for you" - Take a little time to do something just for you each day. Even 5 minutes of doing something you enjoy can revive a tired mommy.

K = Keep - Keep your chin up. It will get better. Don’t let a lag in business growth get you down. Find some creative ways to get the ball rolling again.

L = Laugh - Take time to laugh with you kids each day. And don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself when need be.

M = Mommy - Remember, the reason you do all that you do is for those little ones who call you "Mommy."

Working from home can be difficult, but it is well worth the effort. By keeping things in perspective we can reduce the stress that we put on ourselves. Remember these ABC’s and you’ll go far in your work-at-home career.

By Jill Hart

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ABCs for the Work at Home Mom – Part 2

Work-at-home moms face many different challenges. From learning to accept help when needed, to building confidence in ourselves, to remembering the reasons why we chose to work from home. Below is the second in the series of tips to help work-at-home moms in the simplest of ways – the ABC’s.

N = No - Work at Home Moms need to be able to say "No" when the situation calls for it. Don't be afraid to stand up for your business or to choose NOT to work with a customer who is more trouble than it's worth.

O = Office - As Work at Home Moms, we usually put ourselves last on the list. However, when we're in business it's important to have some room (even a corner) that is set aside strictly for business.

P = Priorities - It's hard to keep your priorities straight when raising a family and building a business. Take some time each week/month to sit down and evaluate your priorities and cut out things in your schedule that don't fit in.

Q = Quiet Time - It may seem impossible to find a time to sit, relax and be quiet when you have so many demands on your time. However, it's more important than ever that you take a little time for yourself to rejuvenate and renew when you grow weary.

R = Respect - Like the golden rule says, it's important to treat others as we'd like to be treated. This is so true for work at home moms - we must show the utmost in professionalism and treat even the most difficult clients with respect.

S = Significant Other - As work at home moms it's easy to get wrapped up with our business, our kids, ourselves. Don't forget to take the time to appreciate your husbands!

T = Time - As work-home-moms time is the ultimate enemy. :) Learn to prioritize and delegate whenever possible. Take time out for your kids each day - you'll be glad you did!

U = Unique - Your business needs to be unique to stand out from the crowd. Even if your product isn't unique you can always find a unique way to approach marketing, customer service, etc. Get creative and stand out from the rest!

V = Vision - It's so important to have a clear vision of where you want your business to go. Sit down and make a list of where you'd like to be in 5 years, in 10 years, etc. Without goals you won't get anywhere.

W = Wisdom - It's important to seek wisdom when running your own business. You won't always know the answer, so you need to find others that you trust that you can turn to when these things arise.

X = eXcitement - Celebrate each success! Keep yourself motivated and excited about your business. Try to share your business with someone new each day. Just telling someone about what you do can bring back that "spark" of excitement about your career!

Y = Yes - Yes! You CAN do it! Each of us started with a dream, a vision and the faith that we could make it happen. It takes hard work, determination and a "Yes!" attitude, but it CAN be done!

Z = Zoo - Yes, life as a work at home mom really is a zoo, but it's worth it! Being at home to see your child's first step, hear their first word - it just doesn't get better than that.

Working from home can be difficult, but it is well worth the effort. By keeping things in perspective we can reduce the stress that we put on ourselves. Remember these ABC’s and you’ll go far in your work-at-home career.

By Jill Hart

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Discover How Savvy Work at Home Moms Earn an Income from Home

The obvious answer is by working. However, it is more expensive to leave your home and go to work these days. Between the costs of work clothes, gas, lunches, day care, and car maintenance you are only left with just small change as a pay check. According to the National Child Care Agency, the average cost of day care per child is $200 per week. So if you are working 40 hours per week at $10 per hour, you really end up making $2.50 per hour. That's an amazing $7.50 per hour taken away from you for day care alone. I won't scare you with the average gas usage per week, but i'm sure you are fully aware how it affects your weekly budget.

So, how do savvy work at home moms earn a respectable living? Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Ever thought about a home business? Well why not join the ranks of telecommuters by changing that spare room into a home office. Becoming a self employed mom is easier than you think. Some companies now allow employees to telecommute from home a few times a week. But wouldn't be savvier to work completely from home, make your own hours, be the owner of your own time? Home-based business opportunities are numerous. You could become a virtual assistant, a tutor, provide services out of your own home, or even do something more innovative like teaching baby sign language. You get to choose your own destiny! Not only will you be in business of being a mom; you will be a mom in business. Becoming a CEO mom is fun, exciting, challenging, and frightening all at the same time.

Many work from home opportunities are legitimate, but don't have the support necessary for home workers to succeed. Some are downright scams. How do you protect yourself from falling victim to unscrupulous crooks? First, if it sounds to good to be true it probably is. Given today's technology, there is real money to be made in home enterprises, however, the odds are highly against pulling in a six-figure income by working only two hours per week. Second, websites like Work at Home Enterprises do an excellent job of vetting home-based businesses. Third, check with the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints have been lodged against the business. These steps will ensure that you have a legitimate opportunity to earn an income from home.

Although you may have many fears in building a home enterprise, Career Kits are available to give you proper guidance on how to start and operate your business. You can finally gain your financial freedom all from the comfort of your own home! Statistics with the Department of Labour show that more and more people are choosing a life of of employment liberation. When you become self-employed you feel a sense of financial security. There are no worries of company mergers or a younger person replacing you. Never again would you feel guilty for leaving your sick child for someone else to care for.

How could you lose? Working in the comfort of your own home, saving money while making money, and spending that quality time with your family that is so needed in children today. Having a job from home also teaches your children how to be hard working and responsible through the fine example of your home office. Plus, as a work at home mom you are more likely to be able to monitor your childs activities outside of school. According to the National Crime and Victims Bureau, there is a higher rate of juvenile delinquency in latch key children. Latch key children being the term used for children raised in day care centres. These children grow up feeling neglected and never get to know the true concept of good family values. They have difficulty understanding your values and morals and distinguishing right from wrong. This leaves them easy prey for criminals and unscrupulous people. Luckily, your supervision and guidance can keep your kids safe.

With a little help, you can establish a home business and be there to teach and inspire your children. Being successful at self-employment also gives you a personal sense of accomplishment. Take the challenge and reap the rewards and benefits that you and your family deserve. You can reach the dream that so many others desire! If you close your eyes I bet you can smell your fresh cup of coffee, made just like you like it. Feel the warmth of your soft flannel pyjamas and slippers instead of pantyhose and heels. All of this while working from home and earning money for your household. Start your life as a savvy entrepreneur and join the ranks of the self-employed today!

By Cesar Campos

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Home Based Business Options for Moms

Why start a home based business?

It is the dream of many moms to start a home based business. Reasons are many but usually it is because you want to:

· Spend more time with family & kids
· Save on exp. Otherwise spent on commuting, office attire etc.
· Be your own boss

If you’re doing a regular 9-5 job you wouldn’t be able to spend much time with your kids as you like. You will also be stressed out after coming back from your office. It is in such a mood that you attend to the house work and as such your focus will be shifted away from the actual tasks itself. Also there is very limited time to attend to your kids under such a situation. You’re caught in the rat race of life.

· You want more quality time to spend with your kids.
· Set your own (flexible) working hours
· While also making a contribution to your family’s income.

Then starting a home-based business is the best thing for you!


Licensed Day Care Center Operator

Just one thing before you start this kind of business. You have to comply with the local day care lice sensing home business regulations. Provided that you do and it’s a field where you have had some experience or were planning to get into this may just be the right home-based business opportunity for you.

Become a Distributor

Many national companies offer distributor or affiliate programs. For a reasonably small fee, the company provides you with the marketing tools you need to sell their products to others. Many moms just like you have found business success through companies like Avon, Tupperware, Watkins and other distributor, direct selling companies.

Pet services Business

There is a growing demand for pet services from pet sitting, doggy day care (while owners are on vacation) pet grooming, dog walking to almost any kind of pet services.

Selling Homemade Baked Goods

If cooking is your forte selling your own homemade baked goods is the right thing for you. Yummy! You may also want to consider offering your services as a personal chef. You will be interested to know about the story of Giada De Laurentiis of Food Network before she became a TV hit.

Image Consultant

This kind of business is suitable for those having a feel for balance, color and psychological impact along with a strong desire to help others achieve a positive image with their targeted audience.

Independent Wine Consultant

If you enjoy being amongst people and are the sociable type then being an independent wine consultant is the vintage home-based business opportunity for you.

Online home business

Last but not least you can start an online (internet based) business. This is fast becoming a very popular means of business and there are a great number of opportunities available in this field. You could start earning through selling goods on e-bay, by affiliate marketing, writing etc. in most cases this could act as a kind of supplementary venture in addition to your primary business as having an online presence or website is almost essential irrespective of what kind of business you undertake.

It’s really simple to start a home business and what you need most is the determination and motivation to succeed. These two factors play an important role and as long as you have plenty of these you are sure to succeed.

Bizymoms.com has been dedicated to helping moms work from home for over 10 years. Visit today to enjoy free resources including interactive message boards, informative articles, Work At Home Internet Business Opportunity, hundreds of work at home ideas, and of course help and advice from the Bizymoms’ Home Business Support Team!

By Susan Hutson

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WAHM Work At Home Moms - Your Success

You've made the important decision to stay at home with your kids -- Now what?

Work at home moms (WAHM) are very special women indeed. You've made a choice to stay home and take care of your children, your family, your home. And now more than ever, your schedule has to be very flexible in order for you to be there for your kids.

For WAHM work at home moms, working outside the home is no longer an option for you. And that probably meant giving up a job, a career and a second income. It's a sacrifice, one that's more than worth it.

So your family gets by on one income and you find yourself making adjustments.

Now while you're at home, you find yourself looking for ways to fulfill your need to be an individual, to have other interests, to be creative.

You also look for opportunities to generate some extra income for your family to meet those emergency needs, to help pay the bills, help with the holidays, clothing, vacations, or money toward your children's education.

But for WAHM work at home moms, you need an opportunity that will allow you to be completely flexible, be able to spend as much time as you want with your kids and maintaining your home.

So you continue to sacrifice and be a one income family.

But what if you found an opportunity that offered you all the freedom you need to be with your family as a stay at home mom?

And what if you were also able to generate extra money for your family doing something you enjoy or something you have a passion for? Read on.

Would you like to be able to take something you know and turn it into your success?

Imagine -- Being able to stay at home with your children, take care of your family, your home and being able to generate extra income or even a full time income for your family.

Well you can!

Do you have a hobby, an interest, something you know, something you enjoy, something you have a passion for? Of course you do -- We all do.

And you can take whatever that is for you and turn it into a successful business for you and your family.

Thousands of WAHM work at home moms just like you have turned their interest into a profitable website making a very good passive income. And most of them did it without knowing anything about the internet. And so can you.

A man named Ken Evoy put together an all-in-one, easy to use web hosting service called Site Build It! (SBI!), but he went one step farther. He gathered together a team of successful WAHM work at home moms and had them put together a special guide to help other moms just like you become successful on the internet.

Written BY work at home moms, FOR work at home moms, this excellent tool takes you through the process step by step and in detail. The end result for you is a professional website, one you will enjoy creating.

All that and you don't have to be involved in the technical side, you get to create and build your site, concentrating on your success.

Many of the moms even get their children involved in their websites.

Yes, you can have it all. You can stay at home with your kids, your family and maintain your home. And you can have a profitable online business generating passive income or selling your own products online.

At the end of this article I provide you with a link you can visit where you'll discover people just like you that have turned something they enjoy into their success. And you can ask all the questions you want.

WAHM work at home moms like you have made the important decision to stay at home with your kids. Now you can stay at home with your kids, keep your flexible schedule and have a successful online business that you'll love building while generating either an extra or full time income for your family.

WAHM work at home moms I salute you --- And here's to your success.

By Mike Dougherty

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Work At Home Moms: Is E-currency Exchanging the Perfect Home Based Business?

If you’re a work at home mom, part-time worker, or a homemaker looking for a way to increase your cash flow then this is an opportunity worth investigating.

Most women that work in internet or home based businesses end up doing some form of direct sales, promotions, or data entry. As promising as these opportunities sound they often leave women hawking makeup or typing thousands of words per day with no profit at all.

Unlike other money making programs that you might have tried e-currency exchanging requires very little of your time and resources. Among the things that you won’t have to deal with are: long hours, annoying customers, sales of any kind, products or mailing lists. You will be able to work from anywhere in the world (with an internet connection), have no set schedule, and be your own boss.

Why is this business right for work at home moms? The fact is that it takes only 20 to 30 min a day to manage your portfolio, which leaves you enough time in the day to care for more important priorities, like your home and family. Also there is no large start up capital necessary; your initial capital can be as low as $25.

This business is not hard to learn and doesn’t have an intimidating risk factor that something like day trading does.

So what is e-currency exchanging all about? Due to global commerce consumers find themselves conducting business with companies and people from different parts of the world. This has resulted in a heavy reliance on third party currency exchange services such as pay pall, e-gold, e-bullion, and plenty of others to complete cross-continental transactions more efficiently.

This influx of e-currencies has created a window of profitable opportunity for those in this business.

With so many different forms of e-currencies available there is now a need to exchange between them. In this marketplace you will be operating as a lender of e-currencies that you have purchased.

You will do this by investing in digots, a term used in this business, which represents a digital value determined by a region of activity within the DXInOne system. When you purchase a digot, it simply means that you are investing in the activity of some region of the world.

The higher the activity in that region is, the higher the digot will increase in value.
With a small investment in the system you will be making .2% - 2% on each exchange that you are involved in. The profit percents are a range because they will depend on how well you’re digot picks perform in each trading session.

The best part about this business is that you can not loose money; since your profit comes from the fluctuation of your digot values the only thing that changes is how much you make. So, on some highly profitable days you will be operating at the full 2% earning huge returns while on slower days your return rate will be less. People with large investments have netted profits over $5,000 per month.

This is just a brief explanation of what this home business is all about and it really does entail more than what has been stated. Since this business is relatively new there is not yet that much information about it readily available.

There are however several e-currency exchange experts out there who offer training on how to be very successful in this home business opportunity.
E-currency Exchanging
Find out if this business is right for you

By Ken Masterson

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Finding a Good Stay at Home Mom's Business Opportunity

Lack of time to spend at home with your family is perhaps the most common reason people look for a good stay at home moms business opportunity. If this applies to you, keep in mind several factors.

1. First of all let's determine if you are a people person. Many moms are very social and do well in home businesses that offer them the chance to interact with their customers and distributors. We mention distributors because network marketing is one industry that seems to do very well for stay at home moms.

With a network marketing business, money is earned through a combination of retailing products, and introducing other people to do the same. Of course, if you are a very outgoing person, network marketing can involve constant interaction with both your distributors and customers, which is a great benefit.

As you get your downline trained you will spend less time with them which will free up more time to recruit new distributors. In the network marketing business you can get paid over and over for doing your work one time. This is known as residual income and is an excellent home moms business to get involved in.

2. Another method to earn money and keep interacting with other business builders every day is to utilize two-tier affiliate programs. As a way to start your own home business, affiliate marketing is first class, as well as being a great way to earn money online.

With the two-tier program you not only get paid on your personal sales but also on the sales of personal affiliates that you recruit. This makes for an excellent way to earn money if you are a sales oriented person who also likes to recruit people.

Even if you do not really like to work with people affiliate marketing is one home business you should check out. It's free to start, allows you to make money in various industries, and pays extremely well once you get it up and running.

3. One often overlooked idea is to type the words "stay at home moms business opportunity" into the Google search engine and see the vast number of possibilities that brings up. Take your time and thoroughly check out any business opportunity before you join it, but you will find that using the Internet is a great way to stay at home and also make money.

In conclusion, finding the right stay at home moms business opportunity is really a matter of researching until you find something that appeals to you. The opportunities available today to moms are endless, enabling them to get paid while remaining in their own home environment.

Alan Thomas is a successful internet marketer specializing in finding good stay at home moms business opportunities. You can find out more on http://www.APTeamBuild.com and http://www.APTeamBuild.com/free-ebooks.html

By Alan Thomas

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Little-Known Secret about Internet Jobs for Moms

What will you do with the extra money you will be making using this little-known secret? Do you want to know how to find inter net jobs for moms that really work?

I'll take that as a yes!

You might feel hopeless, and that with every day that passes your kids are getting older and you’re not there for them. Maybe that you are a failure because you can’t give them everything you want all due to lack of time and money?

You have probably come across lots of get rich quick programs online and if you’re like all the other single work from home moms then you have tried some of them. The problem is they don’t work.

I know how you feel, I felt the same way but what I found is that there is a way to work from home and be able to spend more time with the kids.

Imagine what it will be like to wake up in the morning and not have to rush the kids off to daycare or school and then get to work without being late.

Just picture this… You wake up, put the coffee on and start making the kids breakfast. You send them off to school and then have the whole day to do the things that you want to do while making enough money to give you the future of your dreams.

When the kids get home from school you feel refreshed and full of energy. You spend the evening with the kids and then read them a bedtime store, give them a kiss and say good night.

The little-known secret I want to share with you……

You need to start with a very strong foundation or you will never make money online. After you have mastered the basics you will be well on your way to quitting your job and staying home with the kids.

The problem with most of the how to make money online programs it they think you know the basics. Well most of us don’t. Sure some of the techniques they teach might work but they leave out an essential ingredient that allows you to succeed.

Are you making any of these 3 classic mistakes which will prevent you from ever making money online? I hate to admit it but I made a 3 of them myself! Find out what they are and how to avoid them by visiting ItsYourFinancialFreedom right now before you make another mistake.
By Ali Lily

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15 Steps for Successful Strategic Alliances (and Marriages)

Wedding bells fill the Northern Hemisphere air for this season's happy couples. Among the newlyweds armed with pre-nuptial agreements are numerous companies starting strategic alliances, joint ventures, and focused collaboratives.

Unlike full-blown mergers, in which two really do become one because one company disappears, alliances and partnerships resemble modern marriages: separate careers, individual checkbooks, sometimes different names, but the need to work out the operational overlap around household and offspring.

For many years, I've helped major companies and other organizations extract value from their strategic alliances or watch them disappear. I've developed a 15-step guide to ensuring success as every stage of the relationship, from courtship to ongoing success (first reported in my book World Class).

So here is my business marriage counseling advice. Any resemblances to personal marriages or advice for June newlyweds are strictly intentional.

1. Be open to romance, but court carefully. At the beginning of new relationships, selective perceptions reinforce dreams, not dangers. Potential partners see in the other what they want to see, believing what they want to believe. Hopes, dreams, and visions should be balanced by reality checks.

2. Know yourself. Build your strengths. An organization seeking partners should identify assets that have value to partners and strengthen them. Networks of the weak do not survive. The best alliances join strength to strength.

3. Seek compatibility in values. In rapidly changing environments, compatibility in values, philosophy and goals is more important than specific features of an immediate business deal. The basis for collaboration must be more enduring, and there must be a foundation for mutual trust to help weather inevitable changes or problems.

4. Treat the 'extended family' respectfully. Include other partners and stakeholders. Rapport between leaders of partner organizations is not enough. Other people and organizations who are the 'relatives' in each organizations' extended family must also be won over.

5. Put the lawyers in their place. Leader-to-leader relationships are important. Partnerships and network formation shouldn't be turned over to third-party professionals, such as staff analysts, lawyers, consultants, or deal-brokers.

6. Vow to work together until business conditions do us part. Commit to a first project, to exploring growth in the relationship, to monitor change, and to remain friends if changing conditions require a graceful exit.

7. But don't count on the contract. Formal agreements can't anticipate everything, and interpretations of the agreement vary — even within the same organization.

8. So keep communicating, face-to-face. Matters are more easily sorted out when partners' leaders keep talking long after their initial deal-making and dedicate people to watch over the relationship — a partner or alliance 'ambassador' (the equivalent of key account managers).

9. Spread involvement. Create more ties for more people. Alliances begin with a few direct connections among top leaders. As projects unfold, more people at more levels must get involved, and they need to feel connected, too — that they know their counterparts in their partner organization. The more people feel included, the more they have a chance to see the others face-to-face and come to know them, the easier it will be to implement partnership activities.

10. Build organizational bridges — formal structures. Active collaboration occurs when organizations develop structures, processes, and skills for bridging organizational and interpersonal differences and getting value from the relationship. Bridges include formal governance (a partnership board), joint project teams, and alliance ambassadors.

11. Respect differences. Alliances, partnerships, and networks are most helpful when they involve differences — when partners give each other something they do not already have. But differences in "specialty" desired by partners are accompanied by more "inconvenient" differences in behavioral style, motives and goals, operating methods, or cultural assumptions. Respect is essential. Time must be invested in understanding differences and transcending them.

12. Teach partners. Learn from partners. People from across the partnership network must become teachers as well as learners. Often the ultimate value of a partnership is the new knowledge and skill it brings. Organizations that derive greater value from their alliances tend to have greater communication internally, share more information, and promote an atmosphere of learning.

13. Be prepared to change yourself. Partners must be willing to be influenced by one another. To make linkages possible requires operating compatibilities, project by project and sometimes even in a larger sense. This can mean learning the other's language and style or inventing a new one; changing to the other's system or creating a joint one.

14. Help everyone win. Mutuality is the hallmark of organizational collaboration. Balancing benefits so that each partner gets something of equivalent value can be hard to do in the short run, but it is essential in the long run. The best alliances try to maximize the value of the whole relationship, which then makes it more valuable to each partner.

15. Get closer, change course, or exit gracefully. Like living systems, relationships evolve. Change should be expected. But the best guarantee that organizations will be closer in the future is success in what they try to achieve today. Success strengthens relationships.

To ensure that your partnerships are effective, apply these principles at every stage of the relationship. Then toast the benefits of happy marriages!

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Barbie, Bratz, and the Employee Brain Battle

One of the challenges of managing knowledge workers is that we can't know what they know. We can only hope that they choose to share it with us.

We can't look inside people's heads — yet. But I imagine that technological innovation will soon produce this announcement as soon as an employee I.D. unlocks the exit from corporate campuses: Please deposit your ideas at the door before passing through the brain scanner to make sure you aren't taking any ideas with you. And don't forget to leave any thoughts you brought with you from home this morning; they are now company property.

This idea (which of course my employer can own) came to mind while following the ongoing case of Doll Wars, starring Barbie versus the Bratz — i.e., Mattel v. MGA Entertainment Inc.

In 2001, MGA launched its edgy Bratz dolls, which quickly became a fierce rival for Mattel's Barbie and friends. Although Barbie remained number one, sales slid. Mattel sued MGA for patent infringement and charged former Mattel designer Carter Bryant with intellectual property theft. Mattel cited its invention agreement, which specifies that any inventions including designs that a person creates at any time during employment at Mattel will be owned by the company. Bryant settled with Mattel for an undisclosed amount prior to the trial of Mattel v. MGA.

In 2008, a federal jury awarded $100 million to Mattel but no punitive damages (well below the nearly $2 billion Mattel had sought) and gave Mattel rights to the Bratz dolls. In defense, MGA claimed that Bryant's idea was created between two stints at Mattel, when he was not employed by the toy industry. The jury said that the idea for the first four Bratz dolls had developed at least in part while at Mattel. But in December 2009, an appeals court gave MGA a new lease on life, staying an injunction that would have required taking Bratz off retail shelves. This allowed MGA to keep selling through holidays and 2010 while continuing the appeal.

I have no opinion on this case, which I've summarized from public sources. But my mind has churned with thoughts, all of which, if my employer were like Mattel, would no longer be owned by me.

When does a thought become an idea, an idea become an invention? When does a doodle become a drawing? How do we know how long a thought has been rolling around in someone's mind? Is an employee required to share all thoughts about better versions of products or services? If professionals are hired to provide ideas by deadlines, and they do that, can they keep their leftover thoughts for themselves? What if their thoughts become useful ideas off-hours and off-premises with no company resources involved? On the other hand, if people work flexibly and remotely, how can there be any boundaries?

In the world of new technology, copyrights are easily infringed, and information begs to be free. Google is seen by some as a liberator of information and by others as a thief of intellectual property. There continues to be a debate about whether overly rigid patents stifle innovation, including whether patent holders can receive injunctions when there is infringement (as Mattel did), not just monetary damages. There is tension to be resolved between proprietary IP and open innovation involving collaborations across companies that can cause an entire industry to grow.

There are certainly lines to be drawn, conditions that would constitute unethical or illegal conduct. If we leave it to the lawyers, those brain scanners I imagine at the door will become real. If instead we give more rights to knowledge workers — while making them feel loyal and committed to the company — then thoughts are more likely to be shared voluntarily, and a company's best protection when ideas drift away is to keep new ideas coming. That goes for Barbie and her friends, too.

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Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

A Stay at Home Mom can also be a Work at Home Mom

A stay at home mom is performing a job that is the most unique. Your children are best brought up by yourself. If you are with them in the most crucial years of their growth, you have done your duty in the best possible way. This is because you know this job best. Moreover, you are sure that you are home because of the kids and you also are grateful that you can afford to.

However, not all stay at home moms will be in a position to think that they can afford not to work. You might need to bring home more money, the reason being the universal economic slowdown, and resultant need to have an extra source of money. In today’s situation when banks are facing lock downs, foreclosure of deals of homeowners, even retails failing, and big guns in car making facing bankruptcy plus unemployment crossing all limits, having a job is a bliss.

Will being a stay at home mom change her decision and decide to have a job to earn that extra money? Can she juggle both? That is, can she afford to stay at home and still work to earn some bucks?

The good thing is that the answer to this last question is a "YES". Many staying home mothers are also working from home. They are exploiting many opportunities that can help them earn money. The internet is a storehouse of such opportunities with many websites, forums dedicated to these opportunities. You can be a work at home mom.

There are wonderful ideas and tips that help you to work from home. The situation is, however, not as rosy as it seems because there are people on the prowl to ensnare those wanting to make an extra buck. Scams are galore on the net, therefore remember one golden rule. Do not make any payment or initial investment if you are asked to pay up to get a job from the internet. Legitimate websites would never ask you to pay before they can consider you for work.

It is for you to decide and choose what kind of job or business you want to get into. Do your research about this before you take the plunge. You should know what kind of home based businesses and jobs are currently in and what it takes to start.

One method is to get into online sales which have been doing good business and will hopefully continue to. Different sites like eBay, Amazon, and other popular sites are helping sellers and buyers to connect for transactions of their wares. You can be a part of such enterprises by playing the role of a broker, or a supplier-as the case might be. You can make a hobby or craft bring money for you. You can sell your wares online. You can sell your cookies, cakes; hand crafted utility items or art pieces.

Good websites will even guide you about the cost of your wares, and will also give you newer ideas to make more unique products. You name and you can sell it, this is the world of internet that makes earning possible for mothers that choose to stay home.

If you are not the one who can make crafted items, you might be the one who would like to put her skills in writing, transcription, billing, proofreading, editing, customer service, data entry, telecommuting and other such jobs.

By choosing to stay at home, it is not that you are shutting yourself to the outer world or to the opportunity to earn a living, you are actually giving yourself the opportunity to enjoy your kids as well as to make extra money.

By Jason Bobich

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Ten Home Business Tips for Stay at Home Moms

Every day you see new businesses coming to life. You also see a lot of businesses close down. If you study one of these closing businesses carefully, you will notice there is something wrong with its business strategy. Fundamentally, the problem is not with the business idea or with the products, but usually with the people running the business or with their philosophy. To have a persistent successful home business, you need lot of knowledge, some courage and a few other personal qualities.

Hard work

Don’t they say, "Success is 99% of hard work and 1% of luck"? Most of the business giants did not emerge within a single day. Think about getting your business into fortune 500 companies. Comparing your business with another is a good technique to estimate your accomplishment.

Discuss your ideas

You may have a brilliant idea within you about your business. Some books written on this subject oppose discussing your business ideas with others to avoid you losing your intellectual property rights. Remember the 1980 s computer people IBM? IBM continued to go with those bulky super computers allowing Microsoft to rise from the dust in to the PC software market. They did not recognize the change. You always have to change your business traditions to fit the requirements of the modern world.

Plan and evaluate

Planning is the most essential part in a home business. If you plan, you will not end up without options. You should have both short and long-term plans on your business. Having your own little business plan will also guide you to your priorities.

Risk assessing

Every time you have to identify the risks of the business. The risks may be unique to the business you are doing. For instance, assume that you are doing a cut flower business. You know water is a critical factor to your business and you cannot exist without it. If you ignore the critical facts, you have less chance of survival.

Trust your instincts about the business. You have the right to make decisions on your business. The business success always depends on smart decisions and making them at the correct moment. At the beginning of your home business, you cannot think about large profits. Moreover, nobody will expect super customer facilities from a home based business.

Better methods will improve the businesses operational qualities. Improving the quality of your business enables you to do some marketing and boost the influence you can have on the market. There are thousands of web resources available on this topic and if it is affordable, you can refer to a good business consultant.

BizyMoms has been dedicated to helping moms work at home for over 10 years. Visit today to enjoy free resources which include, interactive message boards, informative articles, career kits and of course help and advice from the Bizymoms’ Home Business Support Team!

By Susan Hutson

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Work From Home Internet Marketing Jobs for Moms

Not every mom enjoys being locked out of the workforce because she chooses to stay home and raise her children. One possible solution would be if mom became an internet marketer. It might sound a little bizarre at first. If you investigate it though, you will find that internet marketing is a pretty good fit for most women who really want to work from home.

There are a lot of mothers out there who are really just trying to find some type of employment that would fit into their crazy schedule. When you are in a situation in life where you are stuck at home for one reason or other, it is nearly impossible to find something that fits your skill set as well as the times you have available to do it.

That is why internet marketing is an ideal fit. Internet marketing offers an incredibly flexible schedule. There are no set hours. You can take days off if need be. You act as your own boss. You just have to be able to motivate yourself to actually do some work. After all, the work is what eventually gets you paid. The more work you do, the more money you get paid.

There are numerous different forms of internet marketing jobs. The most common ones involve building websites that sell products or advertising for a specific type of person or specific industry. There is very little if any contact with customers. You basically just do your work and wait to get paid for it. That might make it sound like it is ridiculously simple though. In reality it’s not.

You need to possess good communication skills to be really good at it. I have seen exceptions to this rule, but only one comes to mind. In most cases you have to be able to read and write fluent English. In most cases there is a lot of writing involved also. So it helps if you can type. If you don’t like to write then it is probably not the best way to make money.

When it comes to working from home though, internet marketing has its benefits. You can show up to work in your underwear and nobody ever knows. You don’t have to do your hair or put on any makeup. Pajamas will do just fine. How many jobs can you say that about?

It is not all fun and games though. There really is some hard work involved. For you to be really successful and make it worth your while you will have to apply yourself. You will need to do a lot of reading and be willing to learn how to do things with your computer. You will get a new perspective on the internet and how people use it in various ways. It is a very eye opening experience. I strongly encourage the more ambitious women out there who might read this article to do a little more investigation into the internet marketing world on their own.

You might just find that it is the absolute perfect opportunity that you have been looking for. You will find it hard to come up with reasons not to give it a try.

By John Handlebrik

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3 Amazing Home Business Opportunities Regarding Stay in At Home Mums

Free lance re-writing. The actual demand for composed work is huge these days, precisely what with the advent of the internet. Building as well as sustaining websites have come to be quite lucrative, thanks to pay per click systems just like Google Ad-Sense and Ad Brite.

However, previous to these kinds of websites can easily gain substantial income, these sites need to first host high quality matters. In addition, the sites must fill in their content on a usual basis.

This has led to an intense petition for essayissts. Additionally, numerous web-based entrepreneurs are searching for essayissts that could possibly make engaging along with influential sales copies that could win over a lot visitors in to patrons. In case you have talent in copy writing material, anyone can easily accept major ticket ventures with regard to big time earnings.

Information encoding. Of almost all the enterprise opportunities for stay at home moms, records encoding is most probably the most basic. However, it's at the same time the most time-consuming. People will have to convert physical works straight into electronic digital set-ups.

A person could be asked to write out fictional works, finance statements, survey analyses, outlines as well as the likes, plus a person might have got to convert them word for word. Majority state that of almost all the commercial opportunities for stay at home moms, this kind is usually the most mind-numbing. Still the pay concerned is adequate to incorporate this specific selection within our own checklist.

As the electronic assistant. This is certainly, undeniably, the most satisfying of all the options in this writing. To be a electronic digital assistant is like being a secretary, albeit, doing ones tasks through the particular comforts associated with your own home.

With progressions in transmission machinery nowadays, remote clerical positions have turned out to be quite famous occupation possibilities. Your particular work will depend on the type of your manager's business, certainly, but in all instances, you will perform as an expansion of your manager's persona.

Prior to deciding to go anywhere finally visit millionaire business for tips to superb shopping tips. Get more information at the top international business ideas web-site.

By Peters Pensten

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Small business advice: finding start up financing for a woman or minority

Finding start up financing can be a challenge, but if you are a woman or a minority, there are organizations created specifically to aid you in your endeavor. However, in order that your financing attempt is as successful as possible, before you begin the financial search, you should be able to answer the following questions:

1) What is the purpose/mission of your business?

2) What qualifies you to start and run this business?

3) Have you had training in this field?

4) Do you know your target audience?

5) Who is your competition and what do you have that they don't?

6) How will you price your products and/or services?

7) How long will it take you to break even?

These questions should all be easily answerable if you've done your homework. That homework would be in the form of a Business Plan. A business plan is a formalized version of your business idea. It operates for your business, the same way a resume represents your achievements to date, and the only difference is that your business plan is a forecast of your company's accomplishments. Said plan details your ideas, goals, market research, the amount of funds needed, and an estimated time frame of repayment of any loans obtained.

The purpose of a business plan is to help accurately define the goals and purpose of the business and how they are going to be accomplished. This plan helps to foolproof your business by planning for unforeseen circumstances. It is also a necessity when applying for a loan from a bank, investor or lender. A consultation with experts in the same field is recommended before submitting.

The following is a list of financing options:

Personal Savings:

Use of personal savings is an option that offers little or no risk. It encourages the idea of careful spending. It also shows the business in a good light if/when additional financing is needed.

Credit Cards:

A personal credit card is another viable method of financing. It is a good way to keep track of business expenses. To avoid accounting complications, it is recommended that the card used be designated solely for business purposes.

Family and/or Friends:

Another untapped resource is family and/or friends. Make a formal presentation utilizing the above-mentioned business plan. Discuss repayment terms and be prepared to put it in writing. Depending upon the formation of the business, the loan could be deemed as stock purchased.


A grant is money designated by an individual or organization to finance an endeavor. A grant need not be repaid. However, your endeavor needs to fit the stipulations of the grantor, one of which includes the business being a non-profit organization. The best way to find a fit is to visit a university or large reference library where you can obtain access to a directory of foundations. With this tool, you can research the mission, their interest, and grant application guidelines.

Micro Loans

A micro loan is a loan of anywhere from $500 to $25,000. Your business might qualify for a micro-loan. Micro loan programs offer up to $25,000 to small businesses with little or no capital. Repayment terms run the gamut of three months to three years. Check the economic development department for your city for the latest information.

Before contemplating a loan, it is important to ensure that your financial history is in order. To do so, obtain a copy of your credit report. If the report shows any late payments within a three-month period, it is recommended that you wait until you have at least a six-month period with no late payments listed.

The above information is just a brief synopsis of financing options available for businesses owned by women or minorities. For in-depth details, the following list is a suggested starting point for further research in your funding endeavors:

- Your local reference library for foundation directory information.

- Small Business Administration (SBA), an independent agency of the United States government established by Congress in 1953. Its function is to assist small businesses to obtain financing and learn proper business management. Consult your phone book for local listing. They may also be found online.

- Service Corps Of Retired Executives (SCORE) is a nonprofit association that supplies FREE, confidential business advice/mentorship to entrepreneurs nationwide. The association offers workshops at little or no cost via chapter offices. Counselors consist of current and/or retired entrepreneurs and executives who volunteer their services via phone, email or face-to-face. SCORE works closely with the SBA. They may be found online.

- Count Me In

Count Me In for Women's Economic Independence is a fairly new entity that makes small business loans and provides scholarships for training to women. They may be found online.

- Digital Women- Women with Their Modems Running

Specifically geared towards women in business or women about to start a business. They may be found online.

- Diversity 2000

This website sports a free database of Minority and Women Business Enterprises (M/WBE's) and contact information for Fortune 1000 companies. Upon formation of your company, registration as a supplier is free of charge. They may be found online.

- Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA)

A part of the U.S. Commerce department, this Federal agency is specifically geared to assist in the formation; development and expansion of U.S. based minority-owned businesses. They assist with business plans on an individual basis, marketing as well as financial planning. They can be found online.

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