— Oprah Winfrey
We all know both men and women look for jobs so they can earn money. What surveys have found is that money is Number 1 for the men, and almost Number 1 for the women. Women place Doing Something Worthwhile above money. So if you’re a woman who’s unhappy with her current job, look for an Oprah job. By this I mean a job with good intentions. I remember when Oprah’s talk show was barreling along bringing in bags of money and suddenly she started doing some shows along the lines of Be A Credit To The Universe type of thinking. Her regular audience dwindled on those days at first. That was about the same time I started taping her show. Call me New Age-y . . .no comment. She has stuck to her vision and, guess what, the money has followed.
That’s sort of the scenario that took place at the company I founded with two friends, WomensMedia. The initial idea was to provide valuable information to working women—AND to make money. Fortunately, no one quit her day job. Every time we thought about selling information to women, we’d get emails from women in India, in the U.K., in the U.S. who could not afford anything. We’d say, “We’ll pass the hat around for a few more months of operating expenses.” Well, guess what? The money has followed. It turns out that advertising now pays the bills.
I have 3 options for those of you who are putting in valuable hours for work you’re not proud of.
1) Stay with your current company, but propose that you head up a new project that benefits the community or an important charitable effort. Perhaps there’s a tie-in to your company’s services. If you’re choosing this Door Number 1, put in some hours ahead of time to do it right: Research the effort, plan what your company can offer, estimate how much it will cost, detail the position you will assume, detail what parts of your current job will need to be taken over by someone else, and most importantly, talk about the Invaluable Good Will that will be forthcoming.
2) Door Number 2: Stay with your current company, but diligently look for another job with a worthwhile purpose. Which company? You decide. You know what you’d be proud to donate (meaning sell) your time to.
3) Door Number 3 is the door many women are choosing: Become an entrepreneur—follow your own good intentions. I’d like to say with conviction, “The money will follow.” but you have to prepare for the other case. Don’t quit your day job until you see the customers signing on the line. In fact, don’t quit your day job until their checks clear the bank. But maybe then you’ll be rewarded . . .like Oprah.
In case you need some thinking material, I suggest these two magazines: Worthwhile, and Pink. Think things over—and make a change.
Tip: If you picked Door Number 1, do your planning and earmark positions in your project for a couple other women in your company. Spread the good feelings around.
careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy
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