Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Woman Stress: Stress Management Tips For Women

All women have their own method of relieving stress. Some methods are healthier than others. You may have adopted your stress relief strategies from your parents. You may have adopted it from your culture, such as yoga or Zen. Both of these methods are excellent ways of relieving stress.

Yoga is a great way to not only manage stress, but also strengthen and tone your body with its stretching and flexing. With Zen, on the other hand, you quiet your body and meditate, or focus your mind on a single thing. What you meditate on is determined by your own convictions.

Other tried and true woman stress management practices include deep breathing exercise, light physical exercise (such as taking a 15 minute walk), reading, getting out into nature, and listening to your favorite music. Some people may prefer their favorite recreational activity such as playing a round of bingo or a few rounds of bowling. Others choose less healthy activities such as binge eating, drinking alcohol, or smoking. While these methods of stress management may certainly reduce a person’s stress, they may cause other health problems. Other, less well-known, stress management methods include hypnosis or acupuncture, which may only be administered by a professional who can be easily found with an Internet or yellow pages search.

When you decide that relieving your stress level is what has to be done, consult your doctor. He or she will be able to determine whether your chosen method will be the best for you, and any adverse effects will then be discussed. Your physician may prescribe medication for you if you are at a risk for other problems. What you do not want to do is nothing at all. Continually high stress levels put people at risk for problems such as heart attack and stroke.

Maintaining a relaxed body and mind is the first step in being able to manage stress well. Everyone has stress in their lives, and there are just as many therapies to reduce that stress. Being able to adequately manage the stress in one’s life can help you improve your mental and physical health.

Mom stress occurs every day but little attention is given to it. Its just considered part of mothering. But there is help available because moms need stress relief just like everyone else. For new mom stress management tips visit: www.momstressrelief.com

By Jill Brennan

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